The number of quail that hatch, and live until the hunting season is determined by several factors. Weather is the most widespread of these factors. (Stoddard, 1936). A study was made in 1950 and 1951 to learn how variations in the weather correspond to variations in the Iowa quail populations
Populations of Gambel’s (Callipepla gambelii), scaled (C. squamata), and Montezuma (Cyrtornyx montez...
In the Iowa Conservation Laws, Section 109.39 titled Biological Balance Maintained is this sentenc...
This newsletter is produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, formally Iowa State Conserv...
The number of quail that hatch, and live until the hunting season is determined by several factors. ...
This study was made to determine causes of changes in the young to adult ratio in quail shot by Iowa...
Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) wings were collected and aged from 1952 through 1970. The wing ...
Bobwhite quail are still found in most of their historic range which extends north into Minnesota. T...
The mobility of bobwhite quail was studied on an 1160-acre nonhunted area in southern Illinois durin...
For 25 years Missouri has investigated bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) behavior, production, an...
Before a game species can be managed properly, it is necessary to have a knowledge of its mobility p...
Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) populations were at a 15-year high in 1968 and 1969 in Illinois...
Understanding the effects of weather on quail reproduction in semiarid environments requires simulta...
This Forestry and Natural Resources Fact Sheet 7 by Clemson University Extension Services provides i...
Nest initiation dates, size of clutches, and proportion of eggs hatching are presented for a high-de...
California quail, probably Lophortyx californicus brunnescens, were first liberated in New Zealand i...
Populations of Gambel’s (Callipepla gambelii), scaled (C. squamata), and Montezuma (Cyrtornyx montez...
In the Iowa Conservation Laws, Section 109.39 titled Biological Balance Maintained is this sentenc...
This newsletter is produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, formally Iowa State Conserv...
The number of quail that hatch, and live until the hunting season is determined by several factors. ...
This study was made to determine causes of changes in the young to adult ratio in quail shot by Iowa...
Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) wings were collected and aged from 1952 through 1970. The wing ...
Bobwhite quail are still found in most of their historic range which extends north into Minnesota. T...
The mobility of bobwhite quail was studied on an 1160-acre nonhunted area in southern Illinois durin...
For 25 years Missouri has investigated bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) behavior, production, an...
Before a game species can be managed properly, it is necessary to have a knowledge of its mobility p...
Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) populations were at a 15-year high in 1968 and 1969 in Illinois...
Understanding the effects of weather on quail reproduction in semiarid environments requires simulta...
This Forestry and Natural Resources Fact Sheet 7 by Clemson University Extension Services provides i...
Nest initiation dates, size of clutches, and proportion of eggs hatching are presented for a high-de...
California quail, probably Lophortyx californicus brunnescens, were first liberated in New Zealand i...
Populations of Gambel’s (Callipepla gambelii), scaled (C. squamata), and Montezuma (Cyrtornyx montez...
In the Iowa Conservation Laws, Section 109.39 titled Biological Balance Maintained is this sentenc...
This newsletter is produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, formally Iowa State Conserv...