This Sphagnum bog is located in Dead Man\u27s Lake, Pilot Knob State Park, Hancock Co., Iowa. The county is in the center of the state east and west and is in the second tier of counties from the north, just south of Winnebago Co., which, in turn, borders Minnesota. Pilot Knob Park is in the northeastern part of the county, half in Section 3 and half in Section 4 of Ellington Township (97-23). It is right at the northern border of the county and three miles west of the eastern border. It can be reached by driving 3.5 miles east from Forest City (Winnebago Co.) on U.S. 9, and going south for a mile on Iowa 332 to the entrance at the northwest corner of the park. The park is an irregular mass of morainic hills, formed of pebbly Mankato (Wisco...