Smelting slag with a high level of manganese oxide (MnO) has been confirmed in the Kanakuro-tani site in Sera-chō, Sera-gun, Hiroshima Prefecture. It is observed that components, such as FeO-SiO2-MaO, of these slags are concentrated in a low melting zone (lower than 1300°C) when plotted on a phase diagram. MnO seems to have played the role of fluxing material to stabilize the operation of iron-making furnaces. The two mineral specimens were MnO minerals without any iron content. Therefore it is presumed that they were discarded during the concentration process as they did not have any iron content. Four iron slag specimens were investigated concerning their content. One of them had 2% MnO and in three of them, there was less than 1% MnO. Be...
症例は50歳代,女性.20XX 年1月ごろより前屈での心窩部付近の疼痛と右季肋部違和感を認めていた.同年3月初旬に疼痛が増強したため近医を受診し,CTで胆嚢に造影効果のある腫瘤と肝内の腫瘤陰影が認めら...
In this investigation an attempt was made to demonstrate the citrodehydrogenative activity of Entamo...
国立国語研究所 言語対照研究系Department of Crosslinguistic Studies, National Institute for Japanese Language and L...
Smelting slag with a high level of manganese oxide (MnO) has been confirmed in the Kanakuro-tani sit...
Offprint. Originally published in: Thrombosis research, v. 199, issue 1, pp. 45-53Thesis (Ph. D. in ...
\u27KN00-114\u27 bred at NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center is a new sugarcane cultiva...
In this report, the effects of fluid compressibility on dynamic performance of squeeze films and ext...
Miso is a traditional fermented soy product native to Japan. The purpose of this study is to compare...
9年度科研費によりノ-トパソコンを購入し、関数族の分岐の単調性、非単調性に関する実験を行った。またモヂュライ空間内に定義される力学曲線を得るために数式処理システムを使用した。研究経過・研究成果 199...
In this research, discoloration of Eosin Y by Dodecyl-amine hydrochloride (D. A. H.) has been mainly...
This paper describes about elastic-plastic characteristics of steel frames, which are made of circul...
症例は50歳代,女性.20XX 年1月ごろより前屈での心窩部付近の疼痛と右季肋部違和感を認めていた.同年3月初旬に疼痛が増強したため近医を受診し,CTで胆嚢に造影効果のある腫瘤と肝内の腫瘤陰影が認めら...
In this investigation an attempt was made to demonstrate the citrodehydrogenative activity of Entamo...
国立国語研究所 言語対照研究系Department of Crosslinguistic Studies, National Institute for Japanese Language and L...
Smelting slag with a high level of manganese oxide (MnO) has been confirmed in the Kanakuro-tani sit...
Offprint. Originally published in: Thrombosis research, v. 199, issue 1, pp. 45-53Thesis (Ph. D. in ...
\u27KN00-114\u27 bred at NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center is a new sugarcane cultiva...
In this report, the effects of fluid compressibility on dynamic performance of squeeze films and ext...
Miso is a traditional fermented soy product native to Japan. The purpose of this study is to compare...
9年度科研費によりノ-トパソコンを購入し、関数族の分岐の単調性、非単調性に関する実験を行った。またモヂュライ空間内に定義される力学曲線を得るために数式処理システムを使用した。研究経過・研究成果 199...
In this research, discoloration of Eosin Y by Dodecyl-amine hydrochloride (D. A. H.) has been mainly...
This paper describes about elastic-plastic characteristics of steel frames, which are made of circul...
症例は50歳代,女性.20XX 年1月ごろより前屈での心窩部付近の疼痛と右季肋部違和感を認めていた.同年3月初旬に疼痛が増強したため近医を受診し,CTで胆嚢に造影効果のある腫瘤と肝内の腫瘤陰影が認めら...
In this investigation an attempt was made to demonstrate the citrodehydrogenative activity of Entamo...
国立国語研究所 言語対照研究系Department of Crosslinguistic Studies, National Institute for Japanese Language and L...