The Friars, Mission Valley, Santiago, and Sespe formations in Southern California are composed of fluvial sediments and represent the Uintan North American Land Mammal Age. The omomyoid primates currently recognized from the Uintan of San Diego County include Dyseolemur, Chumashius, Hemiacodon, Washakius, Macrotarsius, Stockia, Yaquius, and Ourayia. Here we describe three new genera of Middle Eocene primates from the Friars Formation of San Diego County. Thirty-two teeth represent Ekwiiyemakius. Ekwiiyemakius is the smallest of the new taxa and has an estimated body mass of 119 g. This new genus is distinguished by a discontinuous lingual cingulum and a waisted distal margin on the upper molars. Sixty-four specimens represent Cabrillotarsiu...