This paper examines the competencies in historical thinking of high school students and pre-service teachers in Spain, as well as their narratives about Spanish History. Qualitative methods are used in order to identify: a) their historical thinking, including substantive knowledge and use of meta-concepts; b) the narratives, the cognitive gradation (SOLO taxonomy), and the narrative subject employed. The findings show that a majority of secondary school students do not use meta-concepts. The degree of complexity of historical thinking among pre-service teachers is related to their use of substantive content. The results point to the need to improve history education, including substantive knowledge and the development of specific historica...
ABSTRACT: The last few decades have shown an increased interest in the conceptualisation of such ter...
The teaching methods used in history classroom is an axis of research key to understanding the histo...
This paper makes a reflection on the assessment of historical thinking in compulsory education. Firs...
El objetivo de este artículo es proponer un instrumento para analizar el nivel de competencia narrat...
The main aim of this paper is to analyse the theoretical and methodological basis of research on nar...
The aim of this paper is to analyze what historical knowledge teachers are assessing and how they ar...
This article discusses the results of a qualitative research of the historical experience (HE) as a ...
This paper analyzes the presence and use of historical sources in recent history textbooks in Spanis...
The main target of this study is to make a comparative analysis between the presence or absence of h...
The main target of this study is to make a comparative analysis between the presence or absence of h...
This paper addresses narrative thinking and literacy levels in future primary school teachers in Spa...
Being a history teacher implies the engagement of various areas of knowledge and requires the operat...
The work seeks to present reflections on the renewal of the field of history teaching, taking as a b...
This paper aims to present the results of an exploratory study developed in the year 2007. The objec...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the role that teachers assigned to curricular requirements, est...
ABSTRACT: The last few decades have shown an increased interest in the conceptualisation of such ter...
The teaching methods used in history classroom is an axis of research key to understanding the histo...
This paper makes a reflection on the assessment of historical thinking in compulsory education. Firs...
El objetivo de este artículo es proponer un instrumento para analizar el nivel de competencia narrat...
The main aim of this paper is to analyse the theoretical and methodological basis of research on nar...
The aim of this paper is to analyze what historical knowledge teachers are assessing and how they ar...
This article discusses the results of a qualitative research of the historical experience (HE) as a ...
This paper analyzes the presence and use of historical sources in recent history textbooks in Spanis...
The main target of this study is to make a comparative analysis between the presence or absence of h...
The main target of this study is to make a comparative analysis between the presence or absence of h...
This paper addresses narrative thinking and literacy levels in future primary school teachers in Spa...
Being a history teacher implies the engagement of various areas of knowledge and requires the operat...
The work seeks to present reflections on the renewal of the field of history teaching, taking as a b...
This paper aims to present the results of an exploratory study developed in the year 2007. The objec...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the role that teachers assigned to curricular requirements, est...
ABSTRACT: The last few decades have shown an increased interest in the conceptualisation of such ter...
The teaching methods used in history classroom is an axis of research key to understanding the histo...
This paper makes a reflection on the assessment of historical thinking in compulsory education. Firs...