Artikulu honetan, azken hamarkadetan, bai Estatu espainiarrean baita euskal gizartean ere, aktibismo ezberdinetan eta subjektu politikoa ulertzeko eran ematen ari diren zenbait eraldaketaren berrikuspena egiten da. Hortik abiatuta hiru ardatz dituen ainguraketa teorikoan oinarrituriko analisi antropologikoa proposatzen da: gorputzaren inguruko zenbait teoria; zaurgarritasunaren kontzeptuaren inguruan egiten ari diren irakurketa ontologikoak; eta Ernesto de Martinoren “presentziaren krisiaren” kontzeptuaren berreskuraketa. Inguru teoriko honek etnografia somatiko eta zaurgarri bat zirriborratzen lagunduko digu, non ekintza politikoen eta ezkortzat hartu ohi diren esperientzien analisiari (e.b. isiltasuna) beste era batetara ekiteko aukera iz...
Lan honen xedea immigrazioari, pobreziaren kausa-atribuzioei eta aurreko bien jarrera hartze ideolog...
La actividad investigadora, lejos de ser un proceso lineal, está a menudo caracterizada por elemento...
The main objective of this article is to show that, in order to understand in a broad and complex wa...
This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in different...
Artikulu honetan, ikerketa eta aktibismoa artikulatzeko modu posibleei buruz hausnartuko dugu, sozia...
The article addresses issues concerning the anthropological study of politics and political processe...
En este artículo reflexionamos sobre las posibles maneras de articular investigación y activismo des...
In this paper we take a stance as socially and politically committed anthropologists and we argue ab...
This article is a reflection on the relationship between anthropology and activism and draws from my...
Artikulu honen helburua da egungo antropologian “bira ontologiko” deitutakoaren oinarrizko premisa b...
Drawing on ethnographic research on the socio-political process in the Basque Country following ETA’...
The following article is a reflection on ethnographic theory that is inspired' by three development...
The author discusses a naturalist ethnography that centered on legitimating teachers� voices by depi...
1936-1939 Gudaz Historia-Oroitzapenari gaur egunean loturiko talde-irudigintza politiko-kult...
This paper is about the politics of narration and representation and its recent developments both in...
Lan honen xedea immigrazioari, pobreziaren kausa-atribuzioei eta aurreko bien jarrera hartze ideolog...
La actividad investigadora, lejos de ser un proceso lineal, está a menudo caracterizada por elemento...
The main objective of this article is to show that, in order to understand in a broad and complex wa...
This article offers a review of the some transformations taking place in recent decades in different...
Artikulu honetan, ikerketa eta aktibismoa artikulatzeko modu posibleei buruz hausnartuko dugu, sozia...
The article addresses issues concerning the anthropological study of politics and political processe...
En este artículo reflexionamos sobre las posibles maneras de articular investigación y activismo des...
In this paper we take a stance as socially and politically committed anthropologists and we argue ab...
This article is a reflection on the relationship between anthropology and activism and draws from my...
Artikulu honen helburua da egungo antropologian “bira ontologiko” deitutakoaren oinarrizko premisa b...
Drawing on ethnographic research on the socio-political process in the Basque Country following ETA’...
The following article is a reflection on ethnographic theory that is inspired' by three development...
The author discusses a naturalist ethnography that centered on legitimating teachers� voices by depi...
1936-1939 Gudaz Historia-Oroitzapenari gaur egunean loturiko talde-irudigintza politiko-kult...
This paper is about the politics of narration and representation and its recent developments both in...
Lan honen xedea immigrazioari, pobreziaren kausa-atribuzioei eta aurreko bien jarrera hartze ideolog...
La actividad investigadora, lejos de ser un proceso lineal, está a menudo caracterizada por elemento...
The main objective of this article is to show that, in order to understand in a broad and complex wa...