Artikulu honen helburua da egungo antropologian “bira ontologiko” deitutakoaren oinarrizko premisa batzuk argitzea. Horretarako, argumentazio estrategiaren bi adibide aurkeztuko dira, antropologiaren eremu horren ezaugarri garrantzitsuak erakusten dituztenak; lanean adierazten den bezala, esku-hartze antropologiko huts gisa ulertuta –antropologia deskribatzeko teknologia gisa batez ere–, gure diziplinaren historian sustrai luzeak dituzten antropologiaren hiru exijentziatan sakontzea eta erradikalizatzea dira bira antropologikoaren ezaugarriak, alegia, erreflexibotasunean, kontzeptualizazioan eta esperimentazioan.The article seeks to clarify some of the basic premises of the so-called ‘ontological turn’ in contemporary anthropology. Taking o...
Artikulu honetan, ikerketa eta aktibismoa artikulatzeko modu posibleei buruz hausnartuko dugu, sozia...
Artikulu honetan, azken hamarkadetan, bai Estatu espainiarrean baita euskal gizartean ere, aktibismo...
This article proposes a reflection on anthropological knowledge, its scientific pretension and the c...
The article seeks to clarify some of the basic premises of the so-called ‘ontological turn’ in conte...
En las últimas décadas se ha producido dentro de la antropología una eclosión de trabajos relaciona...
This article is a reflection on the relationship between anthropology and activism and draws from my...
This article analyses the so-called “ontological turn” in anthropology, its limits and contributions...
Düşünce tarihi insan ve insanla ilgili problemlerin tarihidir. Çünkü her bilim ve felsefe anlayışı a...
The article addresses issues concerning the anthropological study of politics and political processe...
This article changes the way artistic processes are analysed, specifically theatre and performance, ...
In this paper we take a stance as socially and politically committed anthropologists and we argue ab...
Pričujoče delo obravnava tri antropološke smeri – interpretativno antropologijo, ontološki obrat in ...
O artigo se propõe a refletir os dados de experiências etnográficas vivenciadas pela autora sob uma ...
This work is a review article aiming to rebuild significant episodes for the anthropology discipline...
This article focuses on thinking about the way in which ethnographic intensity operates during field...
Artikulu honetan, ikerketa eta aktibismoa artikulatzeko modu posibleei buruz hausnartuko dugu, sozia...
Artikulu honetan, azken hamarkadetan, bai Estatu espainiarrean baita euskal gizartean ere, aktibismo...
This article proposes a reflection on anthropological knowledge, its scientific pretension and the c...
The article seeks to clarify some of the basic premises of the so-called ‘ontological turn’ in conte...
En las últimas décadas se ha producido dentro de la antropología una eclosión de trabajos relaciona...
This article is a reflection on the relationship between anthropology and activism and draws from my...
This article analyses the so-called “ontological turn” in anthropology, its limits and contributions...
Düşünce tarihi insan ve insanla ilgili problemlerin tarihidir. Çünkü her bilim ve felsefe anlayışı a...
The article addresses issues concerning the anthropological study of politics and political processe...
This article changes the way artistic processes are analysed, specifically theatre and performance, ...
In this paper we take a stance as socially and politically committed anthropologists and we argue ab...
Pričujoče delo obravnava tri antropološke smeri – interpretativno antropologijo, ontološki obrat in ...
O artigo se propõe a refletir os dados de experiências etnográficas vivenciadas pela autora sob uma ...
This work is a review article aiming to rebuild significant episodes for the anthropology discipline...
This article focuses on thinking about the way in which ethnographic intensity operates during field...
Artikulu honetan, ikerketa eta aktibismoa artikulatzeko modu posibleei buruz hausnartuko dugu, sozia...
Artikulu honetan, azken hamarkadetan, bai Estatu espainiarrean baita euskal gizartean ere, aktibismo...
This article proposes a reflection on anthropological knowledge, its scientific pretension and the c...