The System of Integrated Environmental and Economical Accounting SIEEA the UN United Nations (1994) and revised in 2002, has been prepared in accordance with the System of National Accounts of the UN SNA (1993) and their respective of the environmental satellites, which aim to analyze the overall behavior of a market economy, based on an ideal of economic and ecological sustainability. The system set will be analyzed in accordance with the proposal "pure theory, models and accounting systems" (Montes and Mejia, 2011), which establishes the general accounting concepts and taxonomy.El Sistema de Contabilidad Ambiental y Económica Integrada SCAEI de la Organización de Naciones Unidas ONU (1994) y su versión revisada en el año 2002, han sido el...
This paper looks forward to analyze social and environmental accounting as an information system whi...
Cartilla en la que se conceptualiza y describe la contabilidad ambiental como estrategia sostenible,...
The three-dimensional theory of Accounting responds to the social demands in order that the organiza...
Traditional accounting is an instrument of global economy that is limited to disseminating financial...
Los sistemas de cuentas nacionales e indicadores estándares no miden adecuadamente la calidad ambien...
La creación de una cuenta de un sistema ambiental nace de la imperiosa necesidad de entender y cuant...
Los problemas ambientales causados por la actividad humana son más evidentes, el desarrollo económic...
Contabilidad Ambiental Ahora bien, descrita la contabilidad y el papel del contador, tomaremos el te...
El resultado obtenido por la empresa, como consecuencia de su gestión, no sólo debería ser financier...
Environmental Accounting is responsible for controlling the natural resources that surround an organ...
Environmental accounting is an area of accounting that has shown an outstanding increase in research...
Measurement has been considered to be an essential requirement of scientific activity. It provides r...
The debate for the relationship between accounting and environment has been not depth in our country...
La sustentabilidad en general tiene como objetivo lograr una prosperidad económica sostenida en el t...
This paper is the result of a review exercise that investigates the perspectives and advances of acc...
This paper looks forward to analyze social and environmental accounting as an information system whi...
Cartilla en la que se conceptualiza y describe la contabilidad ambiental como estrategia sostenible,...
The three-dimensional theory of Accounting responds to the social demands in order that the organiza...
Traditional accounting is an instrument of global economy that is limited to disseminating financial...
Los sistemas de cuentas nacionales e indicadores estándares no miden adecuadamente la calidad ambien...
La creación de una cuenta de un sistema ambiental nace de la imperiosa necesidad de entender y cuant...
Los problemas ambientales causados por la actividad humana son más evidentes, el desarrollo económic...
Contabilidad Ambiental Ahora bien, descrita la contabilidad y el papel del contador, tomaremos el te...
El resultado obtenido por la empresa, como consecuencia de su gestión, no sólo debería ser financier...
Environmental Accounting is responsible for controlling the natural resources that surround an organ...
Environmental accounting is an area of accounting that has shown an outstanding increase in research...
Measurement has been considered to be an essential requirement of scientific activity. It provides r...
The debate for the relationship between accounting and environment has been not depth in our country...
La sustentabilidad en general tiene como objetivo lograr una prosperidad económica sostenida en el t...
This paper is the result of a review exercise that investigates the perspectives and advances of acc...
This paper looks forward to analyze social and environmental accounting as an information system whi...
Cartilla en la que se conceptualiza y describe la contabilidad ambiental como estrategia sostenible,...
The three-dimensional theory of Accounting responds to the social demands in order that the organiza...