Hourly Satellite Precipitation Estimates (SPEs) may be the only available source of information for operational hydrologic and flash flood prediction due to spatial limitations of radar and gauge products. SPEs are prone to larger systematic errors and more uncertainty sources in comparison with ground based radar and gauge precipitation products. The present work develops an approach to seamlessly blend satellite, radar and gauge products to fill gaps in ground-based data. To mix different rainfall products, the bias of any of the products relative to each other should be removed. The study presents and tests a proposed ensemblebased method which aims to estimate spatially varying multiplicative biases in hourly SPEs using a radar-gauge ra...
The overarching goal of the research described in this study is to improve uses of satellite rainfal...
After the launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission in 2014, many satellite preci...
Miscalibration of radar determines a systematic error (i.e., bias) that is observed in radar estimat...
Hourly Satellite Precipitation Estimates (SPEs) may be the only available source of information for ...
Generating a multi-sensor precipitation product over radar gap area is the objective of the present ...
With the advances in remote sensing technology, satellite-based rainfall estimates are gaining attra...
Precipitation is one major variable for many applications. Satellite retrieval systems, raingauge ne...
Estimating precipitation over large spatial areas remains a challenging problem for hydrologists. Sp...
Reliable precipitation measurement is a crucial component in hydrologic studies. Although satellite-...
Precipitation is a crucial input variable for hydrological and climate studies. Rain gauges can prov...
The provision of high resolution near real-time rainfall data has made satellite rainfall products v...
Satellite rainfall estimates (SREs) are prone to bias as they are indirect derivatives of the visibl...
This study evaluates relative performances of different statistical algorithms to enhance radar-base...
Satellite rainfall estimates (SREs) are prone to bias as they are indirect derivatives of the visibl...
Characterizing the errors in satellite-based precipitation estimation products is crucial for unders...
The overarching goal of the research described in this study is to improve uses of satellite rainfal...
After the launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission in 2014, many satellite preci...
Miscalibration of radar determines a systematic error (i.e., bias) that is observed in radar estimat...
Hourly Satellite Precipitation Estimates (SPEs) may be the only available source of information for ...
Generating a multi-sensor precipitation product over radar gap area is the objective of the present ...
With the advances in remote sensing technology, satellite-based rainfall estimates are gaining attra...
Precipitation is one major variable for many applications. Satellite retrieval systems, raingauge ne...
Estimating precipitation over large spatial areas remains a challenging problem for hydrologists. Sp...
Reliable precipitation measurement is a crucial component in hydrologic studies. Although satellite-...
Precipitation is a crucial input variable for hydrological and climate studies. Rain gauges can prov...
The provision of high resolution near real-time rainfall data has made satellite rainfall products v...
Satellite rainfall estimates (SREs) are prone to bias as they are indirect derivatives of the visibl...
This study evaluates relative performances of different statistical algorithms to enhance radar-base...
Satellite rainfall estimates (SREs) are prone to bias as they are indirect derivatives of the visibl...
Characterizing the errors in satellite-based precipitation estimation products is crucial for unders...
The overarching goal of the research described in this study is to improve uses of satellite rainfal...
After the launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission in 2014, many satellite preci...
Miscalibration of radar determines a systematic error (i.e., bias) that is observed in radar estimat...