Full suit of tilting armor with a detailed breastplate etched with a crucifixion scene, flanked by a kneeling male figure (left) in full armor with a helmet at his knees. Above his head is an inscribed scroll (BVGVPH). A highly decorated shield is placed to the right of the crucifix. It is decorated with a coat of arms, fabulous creatures and trophy helmets. This item is related to two other such works, etched with a crucifixion scene, purchased by Hearst in 1921 (Album 6, p. 13) and 1922 (Album 6, p. 19). Provenance: Castle Dittersbach Silesia? Purchased by William Randolph Hearst from A. Schedelmann, Berlin, Germany, November 11, 1914; Sold to Carl Otto Kretzschmar von Kienbusch (1884-1976) from the International Studio Art Corporation in...