We present a new method for reconstructing sea level involving cyclostationary empirical orthogonal functions (CSEOFs). While we show results from a CSEOF reconstruction using basis functions computed from satellite altimetry and subsequently fit to tide gauge data, our focus is on how other ocean observations such as sea surface temperature can be leveraged to create an improved reconstructed sea level data set spanning the time period from 1900 to present. Basis functions are computed using satellite measurements of sea surface temperature, and using a simple regression technique, these basis functions are transformed to represent a similar temporal evolution to corresponding satellite altimeter-derived sea level basis functions. The resu...
Since the advent of the modern satellite altimeter era, the understanding of the sea level has incr...
Sea level change prior to 1993 is described by time varying amplitudes of spatial EOFs, in analogy t...
Extracting secular sea level trends from the background ocean variability is limited by how well one...
We present a new method for reconstructing sea level involving cyclostationary empirical orthogonal ...
Cyclostationary empirical orthogonal functions, derived from satellite altimetry, are combined with ...
Since 1993, satellite altimetry has provided accurate measurements of sea surface height with near-g...
Sea level reconstructions extend spatially dense data sets, such as those from satellite altimetry, ...
The ability to see how sea level has changed from past states or to accurately project how it will c...
We investigate how well methods based on empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) can reconstruct globa...
International audienceWe compare different past sea level reconstructions over the 1950-2009 time sp...
A two-dimensional reconstruction of past sea level is proposed at yearly interval over the period 19...
Since the advent of the modern satellite altimeter era, the understanding of the sea level has incre...
We investigate how well methods based on empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) can reconstruct globa...
Sea level variations prior to the launch of satellite altimeters are estimated by analysing historic...
Sea level variations prior to the launch of satellite altimeters are estimated by analysing historic...
Since the advent of the modern satellite altimeter era, the understanding of the sea level has incr...
Sea level change prior to 1993 is described by time varying amplitudes of spatial EOFs, in analogy t...
Extracting secular sea level trends from the background ocean variability is limited by how well one...
We present a new method for reconstructing sea level involving cyclostationary empirical orthogonal ...
Cyclostationary empirical orthogonal functions, derived from satellite altimetry, are combined with ...
Since 1993, satellite altimetry has provided accurate measurements of sea surface height with near-g...
Sea level reconstructions extend spatially dense data sets, such as those from satellite altimetry, ...
The ability to see how sea level has changed from past states or to accurately project how it will c...
We investigate how well methods based on empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) can reconstruct globa...
International audienceWe compare different past sea level reconstructions over the 1950-2009 time sp...
A two-dimensional reconstruction of past sea level is proposed at yearly interval over the period 19...
Since the advent of the modern satellite altimeter era, the understanding of the sea level has incre...
We investigate how well methods based on empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) can reconstruct globa...
Sea level variations prior to the launch of satellite altimeters are estimated by analysing historic...
Sea level variations prior to the launch of satellite altimeters are estimated by analysing historic...
Since the advent of the modern satellite altimeter era, the understanding of the sea level has incr...
Sea level change prior to 1993 is described by time varying amplitudes of spatial EOFs, in analogy t...
Extracting secular sea level trends from the background ocean variability is limited by how well one...