Memorial of the Utah Legis. [1402] Ask appropriation to cover costs of an Indian war in said Territo...
Reimbursing Interest on War Loans. [2440] To States and Territories; incurred durin g Indian wars ; ...
Disbursement of Money by Indian Agents. [2066] Conflict between Interior and Treasury Depts. over co...
Persons Reimbursed for Moneys Expended. [2607] As a result of Indian hostilities
Persons Reimbursed for Moneys Expended. 29 Jan. SR 144, 54-1, v1, 13p. [3362] Suppression of Pah-Ute...
Bill to Reimburse Certain Persons. [2816] Those who expended moneys to suppress the Paiute hostiliti...
Reimbursement for Moneys Expended. [2523] During the Paiute war of 1860 in Utah Territory, and other...
Persons Reimbursed for Moneys Expended. 26 Apr. HR 1195, 55-2, v5, 13p. [3721] During the Pah-Ute wa...
R-C of Persons Residing in Nevada. [3042] For expenditures made during the Pah-Ute war of 1860 in Ut...
Report : Claim of Certain Persons. [2709] Expenditures in suppressing Paiute hostilities of 1860 in...
Report : Claim of California. [2607] Supression of Indian hostilities during the Civil War; transpor...
Claims for Depredations. [2255] Committed by the Utes at the White River agency, Colorado; 1879
Mem . of the State of California. 4 May. SMD 57,36-1 , v1, 2p. [1038] Reimbursement for funds expend...
Reimbursing the Western Miami Indians. 21 Feb. HR 2544, 52-2, v3, 13p. [3142-pt. 1] Funds due under ...
Reimbursement of Certain States. [2067] Expenses incurred by Oregon and California in the Modoc war ...
Memorial of the Utah Legis. [1402] Ask appropriation to cover costs of an Indian war in said Territo...
Reimbursing Interest on War Loans. [2440] To States and Territories; incurred durin g Indian wars ; ...
Disbursement of Money by Indian Agents. [2066] Conflict between Interior and Treasury Depts. over co...
Persons Reimbursed for Moneys Expended. [2607] As a result of Indian hostilities
Persons Reimbursed for Moneys Expended. 29 Jan. SR 144, 54-1, v1, 13p. [3362] Suppression of Pah-Ute...
Bill to Reimburse Certain Persons. [2816] Those who expended moneys to suppress the Paiute hostiliti...
Reimbursement for Moneys Expended. [2523] During the Paiute war of 1860 in Utah Territory, and other...
Persons Reimbursed for Moneys Expended. 26 Apr. HR 1195, 55-2, v5, 13p. [3721] During the Pah-Ute wa...
R-C of Persons Residing in Nevada. [3042] For expenditures made during the Pah-Ute war of 1860 in Ut...
Report : Claim of Certain Persons. [2709] Expenditures in suppressing Paiute hostilities of 1860 in...
Report : Claim of California. [2607] Supression of Indian hostilities during the Civil War; transpor...
Claims for Depredations. [2255] Committed by the Utes at the White River agency, Colorado; 1879
Mem . of the State of California. 4 May. SMD 57,36-1 , v1, 2p. [1038] Reimbursement for funds expend...
Reimbursing the Western Miami Indians. 21 Feb. HR 2544, 52-2, v3, 13p. [3142-pt. 1] Funds due under ...
Reimbursement of Certain States. [2067] Expenses incurred by Oregon and California in the Modoc war ...
Memorial of the Utah Legis. [1402] Ask appropriation to cover costs of an Indian war in said Territo...
Reimbursing Interest on War Loans. [2440] To States and Territories; incurred durin g Indian wars ; ...
Disbursement of Money by Indian Agents. [2066] Conflict between Interior and Treasury Depts. over co...