The D0 detector is a large, general-purpose detector designed to take full advantage of the 2 TeV energy of the Fermilab collider. The design of the experiment emphasizes accurate identification, complete angular acceptance, and precise measurement of the decay products of W and Z bosons: charged leptons (both electrons and muons), quarks and gluons, which emerge as collimated jets of particles, and noninteracting particles, such as neutrinos. The primary physics goals of D0 include searching for new phenomena, such as the top quark or particles outside the standard model, and high-precision studies of the W and Z bosons. In addition, the excellent muon identification will allow the study of b-quark production and decay. This report will de...
After the second long shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider, scheduled for 2020, LHCb will start a d...
18 pages, 19 figures. Submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A ; see paper for full list of ...
submitted to NIM A. 142 pages, 77 figures. Version with high resolution figures is available at http...
The D0 detector is a large, general-purpose detector designed to take full advantage of the 2 TeV en...
This report presents a study of the capabilities of the D0 detector to do B-related physics by utili...
This report covers the activities of the NIU high energy physics group as supported by DOE contract ...
The authors describe the design, construction and performance of the upgraded D0 muon system for Run...
The Fermilab D0 detector is currently being upgraded to exploit the physics potential to be presente...
The D0 Collaboration at Fermilab consists of about 400 physicists from institutions in 8 countries. ...
A muon collider represents the ideal machine to reach very high center-of-mass energies and luminosi...
The D0 detector, located at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, USA, is ...
This report covers the activities of the NIU high energy physics group as supported by DOE contract ...
The DØ detector is a large general purpose detector for the study of short-distance phenomena in hig...
After the second long shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider, scheduled for 2020, LHCb will start a d...
18 pages, 19 figures. Submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A ; see paper for full list of ...
submitted to NIM A. 142 pages, 77 figures. Version with high resolution figures is available at http...
The D0 detector is a large, general-purpose detector designed to take full advantage of the 2 TeV en...
This report presents a study of the capabilities of the D0 detector to do B-related physics by utili...
This report covers the activities of the NIU high energy physics group as supported by DOE contract ...
The authors describe the design, construction and performance of the upgraded D0 muon system for Run...
The Fermilab D0 detector is currently being upgraded to exploit the physics potential to be presente...
The D0 Collaboration at Fermilab consists of about 400 physicists from institutions in 8 countries. ...
A muon collider represents the ideal machine to reach very high center-of-mass energies and luminosi...
The D0 detector, located at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, USA, is ...
This report covers the activities of the NIU high energy physics group as supported by DOE contract ...
The DØ detector is a large general purpose detector for the study of short-distance phenomena in hig...
After the second long shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider, scheduled for 2020, LHCb will start a d...
18 pages, 19 figures. Submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A ; see paper for full list of ...
submitted to NIM A. 142 pages, 77 figures. Version with high resolution figures is available at http...