Two major areas of onshore preservation of both pre-and syn-Red Sea sediments occur at Gebel Zeit, near the mouth of the Gulf of Suez, and at Quseir, 200 km (125 mi) to the south. At Quseir, a belt of 600 m.y. greenstone basement has at least three stages of coaxial N30°W deformation curving northwestward into N60°W grain of the regional Hamrawein Synclinorium. In Late Eocene (?) to Early Miocene time, this northwest-trending structure was further downwarped by block faulting with associated local gravity fold tectonics. The Cenozoic synclinorium dies out southeastward into a synchronous or slightly older system of north-south trending fault blocks, many of which show early stage right-lateral strike-slip slickenslides. In the Mid-Miocene, ...