Lingkungan yang baik untuk tumbuhan sagu adalah daerah yang berlumpur, kaya mineral dan bahan organik, air tanah berwarna coklat dan bersifat agak asam. Sagu hidup dalam bentuk rumpun, dimana dalam satu rumpun terdapat berbagai tingkat pertumbuhan mulai dari tumbuhan muda sampai berbuah. Jumlah curah hujan yang optimal bagi pertumbuhan antara 2.000-4.000 mm/tahun, yang tersebar merata sepanjang tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi dan mengetahui hubungan faktor-faktor pertumbuhan sagu. Hasil inventarisasi sagu diperoleh 4 varietas yaitu Metroxylon sago Rottb varietas wahna, M. sago Rottb varietas wamda, M. sago Rottb varietas wirere dan M. sago Rottb varietas wafok. Hubungan pertumbuhan dengan faktor lingkungan porositas ...
Sagu sebagai tanaman penghasil pati saat ini merupakan jenis tanaman yang tumbuh melimpah secara ala...
ABSTRACT: Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are natural resources that are widely available in Indo...
Pengelolaan lahan sagu masih terkonsentrasi pada lahan basah yang selalu tergenang air. Produksi sa...
A good environment for sago plants is muddy, mineral-rich and organic material, brown groundwater an...
Sago plants (Metroxylon sp) is a type of palm tree that grows around swamps and waterlogged land in ...
Meranti Islands District is one of the development areas of national food security as the biggest sa...
Sago (Metroxylon sago Rottb) is one of the native plants of Indonesia producing carbohydrate which i...
Sago is a palm plant that can be used as a pith on the stems into flour. Sago has potential as an al...
Sago tree (Metroxilon sp.) Is native to Southeast Asia. The method used in this research is to use d...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui peluang pemanfaatan lahan kosong budidaya tanam...
Sago palm is a carbohydrate source which has the highest carbohydrate content compared to the other ...
Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is one of the palmae family plants that produce starch, which grows naturally...
Human necessities for good material to support daily activity are growing up, especially eco-friendl...
Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is one of the palmae family plants that produce starch, which grows naturally...
ABSTRACTSago palm is a carbohydrate source which has the highest carbohydrate content compared to th...
Sagu sebagai tanaman penghasil pati saat ini merupakan jenis tanaman yang tumbuh melimpah secara ala...
ABSTRACT: Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are natural resources that are widely available in Indo...
Pengelolaan lahan sagu masih terkonsentrasi pada lahan basah yang selalu tergenang air. Produksi sa...
A good environment for sago plants is muddy, mineral-rich and organic material, brown groundwater an...
Sago plants (Metroxylon sp) is a type of palm tree that grows around swamps and waterlogged land in ...
Meranti Islands District is one of the development areas of national food security as the biggest sa...
Sago (Metroxylon sago Rottb) is one of the native plants of Indonesia producing carbohydrate which i...
Sago is a palm plant that can be used as a pith on the stems into flour. Sago has potential as an al...
Sago tree (Metroxilon sp.) Is native to Southeast Asia. The method used in this research is to use d...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui peluang pemanfaatan lahan kosong budidaya tanam...
Sago palm is a carbohydrate source which has the highest carbohydrate content compared to the other ...
Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is one of the palmae family plants that produce starch, which grows naturally...
Human necessities for good material to support daily activity are growing up, especially eco-friendl...
Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is one of the palmae family plants that produce starch, which grows naturally...
ABSTRACTSago palm is a carbohydrate source which has the highest carbohydrate content compared to th...
Sagu sebagai tanaman penghasil pati saat ini merupakan jenis tanaman yang tumbuh melimpah secara ala...
ABSTRACT: Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are natural resources that are widely available in Indo...
Pengelolaan lahan sagu masih terkonsentrasi pada lahan basah yang selalu tergenang air. Produksi sa...