Several egg marketing groups in the Midwest have become increasingly aware of the need for greater efficiency. These marketing agencies have attempted to eliminate the several middlemen in the channel between local levels and the distant markets. Basically this development is an attempt to reduce the marketing costs and quality loss resulting from excessive handling. It has not been possible for every marketing agency to capitalize on this development. Only those agencies capable of providing large volumes of eggs and diversified marketing services have succeeded. This development has been of interest to the larger marketing agencies in South Dakota. Recently, a number of cooperative associations expressed an interest in developing more eff...
The problem considered in this study may be delineated as follows: a determination of (1) the extent...
Dependency of the state\u27s economy upon the agricultural sector demands that economic research and...
This report is hoped to provide extension workers and leaders of cooperatives with an objective foun...
Several egg marketing groups in the Midwest have become increasingly aware of the need for greater e...
Cooperatives through the years have become important in marketing of farm products in the United Sta...
Auction sales are an important marketing medium for livestock in this country today. This method of ...
South Dakota egg producers have long been faced with the fact that they receive the lowest average p...
The American farmer has made tremen4ous improvements in his productive capacity and ability since th...
The purpose of the study was to furnish information that could be used in farming agricultural polic...
Egg sales provide producers with a fairly steady income throughout the year. This helps the producer...
The primary objective of the research outlined in Part One is to assign the stereochemistry of some ...
This study was undertaken to compare alternative livestock programs on southeastern South Dakota far...
South Dakota farmers, in 1959, received 8.7 cents per dozen less for their eggs than the national av...
Social and economic changes during the past two decades have contributed to a substantial increase i...
The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 established the Federal Cooperative Extension Service. The United States...
The problem considered in this study may be delineated as follows: a determination of (1) the extent...
Dependency of the state\u27s economy upon the agricultural sector demands that economic research and...
This report is hoped to provide extension workers and leaders of cooperatives with an objective foun...
Several egg marketing groups in the Midwest have become increasingly aware of the need for greater e...
Cooperatives through the years have become important in marketing of farm products in the United Sta...
Auction sales are an important marketing medium for livestock in this country today. This method of ...
South Dakota egg producers have long been faced with the fact that they receive the lowest average p...
The American farmer has made tremen4ous improvements in his productive capacity and ability since th...
The purpose of the study was to furnish information that could be used in farming agricultural polic...
Egg sales provide producers with a fairly steady income throughout the year. This helps the producer...
The primary objective of the research outlined in Part One is to assign the stereochemistry of some ...
This study was undertaken to compare alternative livestock programs on southeastern South Dakota far...
South Dakota farmers, in 1959, received 8.7 cents per dozen less for their eggs than the national av...
Social and economic changes during the past two decades have contributed to a substantial increase i...
The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 established the Federal Cooperative Extension Service. The United States...
The problem considered in this study may be delineated as follows: a determination of (1) the extent...
Dependency of the state\u27s economy upon the agricultural sector demands that economic research and...
This report is hoped to provide extension workers and leaders of cooperatives with an objective foun...