By tracking your income and expenses you will know where your money goes and be better prepared to set up a realistic budget for future spending. Knowing how much you have to spend and spending no more than is allotted in each spending category puts you in control of your finances
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
This publication provides information on forecasting future spending and comparing it with available...
No matter what resources we have and no matter what tradeoffs we’re willing to make, we all like to ...
By tracking your income and expenses you will know where your money goes and be better prepared to s...
Of the different methods to track your income and expenses, some are detailed and time consuming and...
Since most households have limited money resources to cover all needs and wants, choices have to be ...
This publication explains the value of controlling small expenses and provides suggestions for desig...
This publication discusses ways for single parents to manage their finances. It includes guidance an...
How much short-term credit does your family farm business need for the year? When and where will cas...
This publication provides a spreadsheet for keeping track of family cash flow. It includes sections ...
A spending-savings plan will help you to stay in control of your finances. You can use it to make en...
This NebFact discusses options for personal money management recordkeeping systems
Cover title.Prepared by Sheila F. Krein; editor, Charles S. Thomas.Bibliography: p. [8
Extension Circular 69-2214: Plan to spend your money; provides steps to money management, spending p...
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
This publication provides information on forecasting future spending and comparing it with available...
No matter what resources we have and no matter what tradeoffs we’re willing to make, we all like to ...
By tracking your income and expenses you will know where your money goes and be better prepared to s...
Of the different methods to track your income and expenses, some are detailed and time consuming and...
Since most households have limited money resources to cover all needs and wants, choices have to be ...
This publication explains the value of controlling small expenses and provides suggestions for desig...
This publication discusses ways for single parents to manage their finances. It includes guidance an...
How much short-term credit does your family farm business need for the year? When and where will cas...
This publication provides a spreadsheet for keeping track of family cash flow. It includes sections ...
A spending-savings plan will help you to stay in control of your finances. You can use it to make en...
This NebFact discusses options for personal money management recordkeeping systems
Cover title.Prepared by Sheila F. Krein; editor, Charles S. Thomas.Bibliography: p. [8
Extension Circular 69-2214: Plan to spend your money; provides steps to money management, spending p...
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
This publication provides information on forecasting future spending and comparing it with available...
No matter what resources we have and no matter what tradeoffs we’re willing to make, we all like to ...