How to Tell the Future is a short narrative film that follows a young man as he gains the ability to tell the future. As the man pushes himself to discover the extent of his own capabilities, the lines between good and evil become blurred. In an effort to understand himself, the man creates a series of video diaries describing his newfound powers. The film is directed by Christopher Bergbauer. Crew members and actors include Adam Walters and Malika Kim
“The Universe Divine” is a short film that follows Sam, a passionate young man at an important cross...
This project is a creative endeavor that explores the process of creating a short film from start to...
The project is an approximately 15 minutes film. The title of film is wake up. The premise of the f...
Predictions of what might happen in the future are strongly linked with the human imagination. Films...
Originally envisioned as a flip comedy based on a joke about a man with a thinking problem , the sc...
Knowledge, Power and Time: Setting and Defying Expectations in Sam Scherf’s Feeling Future Arthur is...
Abstract Films can be seen as cultural projections of technoscientific futures. The ways that techno...
A Young Man is a 15-minute short film that explores the health issue of dementia by taking us into t...
The short film we are producing will be a narrative short film. The film follows the story of colleg...
Foresight professionals and the futures field as a whole faces a series of challenges in communicati...
The Water Margin (TWM) is a Science Fiction short film that delves into the life of a young man name...
This short feature is about Aiza, a graduating nursing student who relies on reading horoscopes to k...
Let Me Tell You a Story is a showcase of nine short films made by the students and a trailer of the...
This paper presents and validates opposing notions regarding possibility of knowing the future. The ...
This short film stars a character named Carl, who goes to study abroad in France, only to come back ...
“The Universe Divine” is a short film that follows Sam, a passionate young man at an important cross...
This project is a creative endeavor that explores the process of creating a short film from start to...
The project is an approximately 15 minutes film. The title of film is wake up. The premise of the f...
Predictions of what might happen in the future are strongly linked with the human imagination. Films...
Originally envisioned as a flip comedy based on a joke about a man with a thinking problem , the sc...
Knowledge, Power and Time: Setting and Defying Expectations in Sam Scherf’s Feeling Future Arthur is...
Abstract Films can be seen as cultural projections of technoscientific futures. The ways that techno...
A Young Man is a 15-minute short film that explores the health issue of dementia by taking us into t...
The short film we are producing will be a narrative short film. The film follows the story of colleg...
Foresight professionals and the futures field as a whole faces a series of challenges in communicati...
The Water Margin (TWM) is a Science Fiction short film that delves into the life of a young man name...
This short feature is about Aiza, a graduating nursing student who relies on reading horoscopes to k...
Let Me Tell You a Story is a showcase of nine short films made by the students and a trailer of the...
This paper presents and validates opposing notions regarding possibility of knowing the future. The ...
This short film stars a character named Carl, who goes to study abroad in France, only to come back ...
“The Universe Divine” is a short film that follows Sam, a passionate young man at an important cross...
This project is a creative endeavor that explores the process of creating a short film from start to...
The project is an approximately 15 minutes film. The title of film is wake up. The premise of the f...