“The Universe Divine” is a short film that follows Sam, a passionate young man at an important crossroads in his life. After an unsettling dream, we see that the Universe may have different plans for Sam than those he envisioned for himself. The film is directed by Alyiece Moretto. Other crew members and actors include Patrick Watkins, Cohen Robinson, Kathleen Bushong, and Jamie Mattocks
Knowledge, Power and Time: Setting and Defying Expectations in Sam Scherf’s Feeling Future Arthur is...
The film “ONE” visualises the possibilities of being alone and travelling in the dark sectors of spa...
Cosmos + (2014) is a production created with the aim of arousing enthusiasm and curiosity about the ...
abstract: Manifold is a short film produced, directed, and co-written as a thesis project. Synopsis:...
State of Hush Hush (梦想狮城) is a 15-minute narrative short film about the last two young people in Sin...
“Renovatio” is a short film about a couple of individuals who engage one another due to eerie occurr...
"Fate: The Short Film" is a four minute short film which reflects the idea that nobody can escape fr...
“Can Ya Hear Me Now?” is a short film about a married young couple who are madly in love with each o...
Meet Jack is a short feature about a problematic teenager who tries to kill himself, but fails to do...
Duration: 6:21Date: January 1, 2011Duration: 6:21This short talk is about light, Divine light and bl...
This short feature is about Aiza, a graduating nursing student who relies on reading horoscopes to k...
The Water Margin (TWM) is a Science Fiction short film that delves into the life of a young man name...
“All Things Unholy” is a short animated film which follows a single mother, Sage, trying to raise th...
“Lavender” is an experimental short film. The project explores surrealist interpretation of life in ...
Slice of Heaven is a 3D animated short-film produced by Ang Hui Fang Berlinda and myself. Slice of H...
Knowledge, Power and Time: Setting and Defying Expectations in Sam Scherf’s Feeling Future Arthur is...
The film “ONE” visualises the possibilities of being alone and travelling in the dark sectors of spa...
Cosmos + (2014) is a production created with the aim of arousing enthusiasm and curiosity about the ...
abstract: Manifold is a short film produced, directed, and co-written as a thesis project. Synopsis:...
State of Hush Hush (梦想狮城) is a 15-minute narrative short film about the last two young people in Sin...
“Renovatio” is a short film about a couple of individuals who engage one another due to eerie occurr...
"Fate: The Short Film" is a four minute short film which reflects the idea that nobody can escape fr...
“Can Ya Hear Me Now?” is a short film about a married young couple who are madly in love with each o...
Meet Jack is a short feature about a problematic teenager who tries to kill himself, but fails to do...
Duration: 6:21Date: January 1, 2011Duration: 6:21This short talk is about light, Divine light and bl...
This short feature is about Aiza, a graduating nursing student who relies on reading horoscopes to k...
The Water Margin (TWM) is a Science Fiction short film that delves into the life of a young man name...
“All Things Unholy” is a short animated film which follows a single mother, Sage, trying to raise th...
“Lavender” is an experimental short film. The project explores surrealist interpretation of life in ...
Slice of Heaven is a 3D animated short-film produced by Ang Hui Fang Berlinda and myself. Slice of H...
Knowledge, Power and Time: Setting and Defying Expectations in Sam Scherf’s Feeling Future Arthur is...
The film “ONE” visualises the possibilities of being alone and travelling in the dark sectors of spa...
Cosmos + (2014) is a production created with the aim of arousing enthusiasm and curiosity about the ...