Slice of Heaven is a 3D animated short-film produced by Ang Hui Fang Berlinda and myself. Slice of Heaven is about a girl finding herself addicted to her own idea of paradise, and has to decide if she wants to live there forever. The project discusses the topic of depression leading to self-harm and why is it so hard for some to be cured of depression. At the same time, the project aims to explore non- photorealistic renders (NPR) using 3D softwares such as Maya, Disney Pixar’s Renderman and Nuke.Bachelor of Fine Art
Mer Depré is an experiment to see if the essence of the experience of depression can be captured thr...
Road to Recovery is a short 3D animation film by Tan Jiayi. It is about a bird’s journey to the star...
Anything Helps is a 2D-animated short film meant to instill hope in those who may be struggling wit...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
Wanna Try Something Crazy? is a 3D animated short film project that was crafted over two semesters ...
abstract: "The Reality of Imagination" is short animated film about a young girl name Isabel who, wi...
Eternal Studio is a 3D animated short film, set in the early 1900 era in an Asian city. It tells a s...
Project Marionette is a 3D animated short film produced by Produced by Joshua Tan, Candice Chua & Li...
re÷belief, is a 3D Printed, hand crafted, zoetropic short-film that asks if recalling memories can b...
Stage is three minutes 2D/3D experimental animation. The whole story is about the growth of a person...
DRAWING MEMORIES is a 3D animated short created by a team of four students, namely, Thom and Jerly C...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
15 minutes 16mm Short film animation B/W. Writer/Director/Editor/Producer/Designer/Animator/V/O - Ja...
Mer Depré is an experiment to see if the essence of the experience of depression can be captured thr...
Road to Recovery is a short 3D animation film by Tan Jiayi. It is about a bird’s journey to the star...
Anything Helps is a 2D-animated short film meant to instill hope in those who may be struggling wit...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
Wanna Try Something Crazy? is a 3D animated short film project that was crafted over two semesters ...
abstract: "The Reality of Imagination" is short animated film about a young girl name Isabel who, wi...
Eternal Studio is a 3D animated short film, set in the early 1900 era in an Asian city. It tells a s...
Project Marionette is a 3D animated short film produced by Produced by Joshua Tan, Candice Chua & Li...
re÷belief, is a 3D Printed, hand crafted, zoetropic short-film that asks if recalling memories can b...
Stage is three minutes 2D/3D experimental animation. The whole story is about the growth of a person...
DRAWING MEMORIES is a 3D animated short created by a team of four students, namely, Thom and Jerly C...
Good boy is a 3d animated short film about the loyalty between a man and his dog in a post-apocalypt...
15 minutes 16mm Short film animation B/W. Writer/Director/Editor/Producer/Designer/Animator/V/O - Ja...
Mer Depré is an experiment to see if the essence of the experience of depression can be captured thr...
Road to Recovery is a short 3D animation film by Tan Jiayi. It is about a bird’s journey to the star...
Anything Helps is a 2D-animated short film meant to instill hope in those who may be struggling wit...