36-1Military AffairsMessage on Indian Hostilities in New Mexico. [1051] Campaign against the Navajo,...
Chart33-2Military AffairsReport on Increasing and Reorganizing the Army. [808] Hostilities of the In...
27-2Military AffairsOn the Relief of Missouri Volunteers. [409] Called out Indian hostilities; Sac a...
33-2Military AffairsReport on the Militia of New Mexico. Apache hostilities of 1854.1855-1
35-2Military AffairsReport on Texas Voluntters. [1018] Protections of the frontier against Indian as...
34-3Military AffairsReport on Volunteers in Washington Territory. [914] Indian war; restrained the K...
Report on Raising Additional Mounted Volunteers. [964] Indian hostilities in Texas and the Northwest...
31-1Military AffairsReport : Memorial of Texas Volunteers. [584] Lipan Indian hostilities on the Tex...
43-1Military AffairsPayment of New Mexico Volunteers. [1615] For supression of Indian hostilities.18...
36-2Military AffairsIndian Disturbances in New Mexico. [1097] Navajo, Utah, and Comanche hostilities...
40-2Military AffairsMemorial of the New Mexico Legis. [1350] Ask authorization to raise volunteer tr...
R-P of New Mexico Volunteers. 18 May. HR 537, 36-1, v4, 2p. [1070] Campaign against the avajoes in 1...
46-2Military AffairsCitizen Volunteers of Idaho and Washington. [1937] Service in the Nez Perc� war ...
Report on Florida Volunteers. [1004] Hostilities of the remnant of Indians residing in southern Flor...
Part 1 of 249-1Military AffairsCavalry in New Mexico and Arizona. [2436] Hostilities of the Chiricah...
36-1Military AffairsMessage on Indian Hostilities in New Mexico. [1051] Campaign against the Navajo,...
Chart33-2Military AffairsReport on Increasing and Reorganizing the Army. [808] Hostilities of the In...
27-2Military AffairsOn the Relief of Missouri Volunteers. [409] Called out Indian hostilities; Sac a...
33-2Military AffairsReport on the Militia of New Mexico. Apache hostilities of 1854.1855-1
35-2Military AffairsReport on Texas Voluntters. [1018] Protections of the frontier against Indian as...
34-3Military AffairsReport on Volunteers in Washington Territory. [914] Indian war; restrained the K...
Report on Raising Additional Mounted Volunteers. [964] Indian hostilities in Texas and the Northwest...
31-1Military AffairsReport : Memorial of Texas Volunteers. [584] Lipan Indian hostilities on the Tex...
43-1Military AffairsPayment of New Mexico Volunteers. [1615] For supression of Indian hostilities.18...
36-2Military AffairsIndian Disturbances in New Mexico. [1097] Navajo, Utah, and Comanche hostilities...
40-2Military AffairsMemorial of the New Mexico Legis. [1350] Ask authorization to raise volunteer tr...
R-P of New Mexico Volunteers. 18 May. HR 537, 36-1, v4, 2p. [1070] Campaign against the avajoes in 1...
46-2Military AffairsCitizen Volunteers of Idaho and Washington. [1937] Service in the Nez Perc� war ...
Report on Florida Volunteers. [1004] Hostilities of the remnant of Indians residing in southern Flor...
Part 1 of 249-1Military AffairsCavalry in New Mexico and Arizona. [2436] Hostilities of the Chiricah...
36-1Military AffairsMessage on Indian Hostilities in New Mexico. [1051] Campaign against the Navajo,...
Chart33-2Military AffairsReport on Increasing and Reorganizing the Army. [808] Hostilities of the In...
27-2Military AffairsOn the Relief of Missouri Volunteers. [409] Called out Indian hostilities; Sac a...