Chart33-2Military AffairsReport on Increasing and Reorganizing the Army. [808] Hostilities of the Indian tribes on the western frontier.1855-2
42-3Military AffairsReport of Revised Army Regulations. [1576] Section included pertaining to Indian...
Transfer of the Indian Bureau. [1709] From the Interior Dept. to the War Dept.; would prevent the an...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Harrison. 6 Dec. HED 1, 52-2, v1-22 , 16378p. [3076...
Report on Increasing and Reorganizing the Army. [808] Hostilities of the Indian tribes on the wester...
50-1Military AffairsEfficiency of the Infantry. [2519] Needed to cope with the Sioux and other India...
Reorganization of the Line of the Army. 19 Jan. HR 2548, 54-2, v2, 12p. [3555] Report takes into con...
Chart33-2Ways and MeansReport on Army Appropriations. [808] To control Indian hostilities.1855-4
33-2Military AffairsReport on the Militia of New Mexico. Apache hostilities of 1854.1855-1
44-1Military AffairsTransfer of the Indian Bureau. [1709] From the Interior Dept. to the War Dept.; ...
49-1Military AffairsInfantry Branch of the Army . [2358] Reduction not advised because of "savage Si...
Message on an Increase of the Army. 11 Aug. SED 90, 44-1, v1, 3p. [1664] For contingencies which may...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Jackson. 3 Dec. SD 1, 23-1, v1, 273p. [238] or HD 1...
Letter on Increasing Military Defenses. 25 Mar. SD 255, 29-1 , v5, 3p. [474] Indian frontier
35-2Military AffairsReport on Volunteers in New Mexico. [1018] Indian hostilities.1859-3
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Grant. 1 Dec. HED 1, 43-1 , v1-5 , 7842p. (1594-160...
42-3Military AffairsReport of Revised Army Regulations. [1576] Section included pertaining to Indian...
Transfer of the Indian Bureau. [1709] From the Interior Dept. to the War Dept.; would prevent the an...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Harrison. 6 Dec. HED 1, 52-2, v1-22 , 16378p. [3076...
Report on Increasing and Reorganizing the Army. [808] Hostilities of the Indian tribes on the wester...
50-1Military AffairsEfficiency of the Infantry. [2519] Needed to cope with the Sioux and other India...
Reorganization of the Line of the Army. 19 Jan. HR 2548, 54-2, v2, 12p. [3555] Report takes into con...
Chart33-2Ways and MeansReport on Army Appropriations. [808] To control Indian hostilities.1855-4
33-2Military AffairsReport on the Militia of New Mexico. Apache hostilities of 1854.1855-1
44-1Military AffairsTransfer of the Indian Bureau. [1709] From the Interior Dept. to the War Dept.; ...
49-1Military AffairsInfantry Branch of the Army . [2358] Reduction not advised because of "savage Si...
Message on an Increase of the Army. 11 Aug. SED 90, 44-1, v1, 3p. [1664] For contingencies which may...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Jackson. 3 Dec. SD 1, 23-1, v1, 273p. [238] or HD 1...
Letter on Increasing Military Defenses. 25 Mar. SD 255, 29-1 , v5, 3p. [474] Indian frontier
35-2Military AffairsReport on Volunteers in New Mexico. [1018] Indian hostilities.1859-3
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Grant. 1 Dec. HED 1, 43-1 , v1-5 , 7842p. (1594-160...
42-3Military AffairsReport of Revised Army Regulations. [1576] Section included pertaining to Indian...
Transfer of the Indian Bureau. [1709] From the Interior Dept. to the War Dept.; would prevent the an...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Harrison. 6 Dec. HED 1, 52-2, v1-22 , 16378p. [3076...