The Monumenta Syriaca set offers collections of Syriac texts edited from Vatican manuscripts. Vol. 1 contains homilies from Ephrem, Isaac of Antioch, Jacob of Sarug, Isaac of Nineveh, John Saba (i.e. of Dalyatha), John of Dara, a brief commentary on the Lord’s prayer by Gregory Nazianzen, and a sermon by John Chrysostom on poverty and riches. Brief annotations to the texts are given at the beginning of the volume. Vol. 2 presents a variety of Syriac texts, including fragments on the lives of Julian, Damasus, Irenaeus; a commentary on Song of Songs; exegetical fragments of Mar Marutha; fragments from Ephrem on various biblical passages; Jacob of Sarug on Mar Sharbil; a martyrdom from Karka d-Bet Slok; and finally, Jacob of Sarug's memra on t...