This text refers to the reluctance Polish philosopher, Marian Zdziechowski, to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Zdziechowski ignored Nietzsche’s achievements, thoughthim to be overtly harmful. The text argues that if he paid a little more attention to the thought of German philosopher, he could noticed a lot of valuable thoughts to yourself. These are mainly: criticism of German society, pessimism as a starting point in reflections, the criticism of the Church, as well as analysis of the Jewish people.Niniejszy tekst mówi o niechęci polskiego filozofa, Mariana Zdziechowskiego, do filozofii Fryderyka Nietzschego. Zdziechowski zignorował dorobek Nietzschego, uważał go za jawnie szkodliwy. Tekst dowodzi, że gdyby poświęcił myśli niemieck...