My work stems from a basic interest in drawing and fascination with the special characteristics and qualities which printmaking media can lend to the drawn image. Particularly in lithography I have explored the tones, textures and colors made available to the artist and how they can work for me in expressing my ideas and visual forms
During my advanced studies, I have been primarily concerned with continuing: 1) to develop my visual...
Art begins when a man wishes to immortalize the most visual moments in which he has Iived find art a...
From Introduction: The reIationship between technology and art today is a logical extension of a col...
My work stems from a basic interest in drawing and fascination with the special characteristics and ...
I have joined two art fields - graphic arts and painting. When we talk about graphics, we can instan...
The major objective in my work was to develop a distinctive style of drawn imagery that is represent...
In my thesis, I initially defined the concept of drawing, presented drawing techniques, types and cl...
For myself, as a beginning printmaker, It has been Important to establish a workable concept of the ...
In my master's work I traced new expressive methods in graphic art and how to introduce them in less...
To Be Determined: Photography and the Future proposes that images function for an event yet to come,...
That\u27s so Printerly will include panelists discussing the role of Print\u27s inherent and often ...
I have been fascinated by the shapes and textures of objects , how their properties not only captur...
The creative project dealt with an intensive study of a wide variety of color drawing media and surf...
activity of mark-making. "The simplest marks communicate the complex sensations in a visual not...
My artwork is focused on mixed media and printmaking. Through these media I address current world e...
During my advanced studies, I have been primarily concerned with continuing: 1) to develop my visual...
Art begins when a man wishes to immortalize the most visual moments in which he has Iived find art a...
From Introduction: The reIationship between technology and art today is a logical extension of a col...
My work stems from a basic interest in drawing and fascination with the special characteristics and ...
I have joined two art fields - graphic arts and painting. When we talk about graphics, we can instan...
The major objective in my work was to develop a distinctive style of drawn imagery that is represent...
In my thesis, I initially defined the concept of drawing, presented drawing techniques, types and cl...
For myself, as a beginning printmaker, It has been Important to establish a workable concept of the ...
In my master's work I traced new expressive methods in graphic art and how to introduce them in less...
To Be Determined: Photography and the Future proposes that images function for an event yet to come,...
That\u27s so Printerly will include panelists discussing the role of Print\u27s inherent and often ...
I have been fascinated by the shapes and textures of objects , how their properties not only captur...
The creative project dealt with an intensive study of a wide variety of color drawing media and surf...
activity of mark-making. "The simplest marks communicate the complex sensations in a visual not...
My artwork is focused on mixed media and printmaking. Through these media I address current world e...
During my advanced studies, I have been primarily concerned with continuing: 1) to develop my visual...
Art begins when a man wishes to immortalize the most visual moments in which he has Iived find art a...
From Introduction: The reIationship between technology and art today is a logical extension of a col...