Visit of Monsignor Hildebrand Antoniutti; front from left to right: Fr.Vincent Lebbe, Bishop Melchior Souen (Sun Dezhen 孫德楨), Monsignor Antoniutti, Fr. Jean-Baptiste Hsia (Xia 夏), provicar. Standing: the Chinese priests of the vicariate.
Procurement house of the Xuanhua apostolic vicariate in Beijing on the occasion of the return to Chi...
Chinese visitors and SAM fathers at the procurement house of the Xuanhua apostolic vicariate in Beij...
In front of the bishop’s residence. From left to right: Father Jean-Baptiste Chang (Zhang Zhenhua 張振...
Visit of Monsignor Hildebrand Antoniutti; front from left to right: Fr.Vincent Lebbe, Bishop Melchio...
Group picture with Bishop Melchior Souen (Sun Dezhen 孫德楨), Father Vincent Lebbe and priests of the v...
Fr. Vincent Lebbe at the apostolic delegation on the occasion of his appointment as chaplain of the ...
Fr. Vincent Lebbe at the apostolic delegation on the occasion of his appointment as chaplain of the ...
Bishop Suen (Sun Dezhen孫德楨) and his priests. First row from left to right: Fr. Jean-Baptiste Fan 樊, ...
Bishop and priests of the Anguo apostolic vicariate. Bp. Souen (Sun Dezhen孫德楨) and Chinese priests; ...
Group photo taken on the occasion of the visit of Fr. Robert Sheridan, MM. Bp. Souen (Sun Dezhen 孫德楨...
Bishop Sun Dezhen and the priests of his vicariate. Seated left to right: Father Paul Ly (Li 李), Fat...
Fr. Vincent Lebbe paying his visit to Fr. Antony Cotta, pastor of Xianshuigu 鹹水沽. From left to right...
Visit to Xuanhua of Bp. Evariste Zhang of Jining (Tsining) 集寧 apostolic vicariate. Front row left to...
Photo taken on the occasion of the introduction to the Chinese bishops of Dom Jehan Joliet of the ab...
Procurement house of the Xuanhua apostolic vicariate in Beijing on the occasion of the return to Chi...
Chinese visitors and SAM fathers at the procurement house of the Xuanhua apostolic vicariate in Beij...
In front of the bishop’s residence. From left to right: Father Jean-Baptiste Chang (Zhang Zhenhua 張振...
Visit of Monsignor Hildebrand Antoniutti; front from left to right: Fr.Vincent Lebbe, Bishop Melchio...
Group picture with Bishop Melchior Souen (Sun Dezhen 孫德楨), Father Vincent Lebbe and priests of the v...
Fr. Vincent Lebbe at the apostolic delegation on the occasion of his appointment as chaplain of the ...
Fr. Vincent Lebbe at the apostolic delegation on the occasion of his appointment as chaplain of the ...
Bishop Suen (Sun Dezhen孫德楨) and his priests. First row from left to right: Fr. Jean-Baptiste Fan 樊, ...
Bishop and priests of the Anguo apostolic vicariate. Bp. Souen (Sun Dezhen孫德楨) and Chinese priests; ...
Group photo taken on the occasion of the visit of Fr. Robert Sheridan, MM. Bp. Souen (Sun Dezhen 孫德楨...
Bishop Sun Dezhen and the priests of his vicariate. Seated left to right: Father Paul Ly (Li 李), Fat...
Fr. Vincent Lebbe paying his visit to Fr. Antony Cotta, pastor of Xianshuigu 鹹水沽. From left to right...
Visit to Xuanhua of Bp. Evariste Zhang of Jining (Tsining) 集寧 apostolic vicariate. Front row left to...
Photo taken on the occasion of the introduction to the Chinese bishops of Dom Jehan Joliet of the ab...
Procurement house of the Xuanhua apostolic vicariate in Beijing on the occasion of the return to Chi...
Chinese visitors and SAM fathers at the procurement house of the Xuanhua apostolic vicariate in Beij...
In front of the bishop’s residence. From left to right: Father Jean-Baptiste Chang (Zhang Zhenhua 張振...