Schumann—The Master of Child Music: Why Schumann\u27s Muisc Has Had Such a Great Influence on the Education of the Young Small-Hands Pupil Making Practice Pleasant What Touch Shall I Use in Phrasing? A Much-Needed Discussion of an Everyday Musical Problem Helpful Hints on Practicing Velvet Tone Runaway Warhorses Turning Music Noiselessly What Effect is Jazz Likely to Have Upon the Music of the Future? (interview with Percy Grainger) Why Chopin Used a Metronome Sharps and Flats for Little Ones Sight-Reading Without a Teacher Will You Pay the Price Teach Coöperation by the Use of Two Pianos Carrots for a Donkey Where is Jazz Leading America? Part II of a Symposium Which Has Already Attracted National Attention Would Mozart Write Fox-Trots if ...