Las papas andinas son originarias de América del Sur y base de laalimentación de las poblaciones del altiplano y valles de alturas. Labiodiversidad de las papas andinas está en peligro porque los productores solopueden comercializar las variedades que presentan alto rendimientoagronómico. El objetivo del trabajo fue encontrar una aplicación industrialmediante el estudio de las propiedades funcionales de sus almidones. Seextrajo almidón de 23 variedades genéticas o 23 genotipos y se realizó elestudio de las características morfológicas de tamaño y forma y el análisis de laspropiedades funcionales de Índice de absorción de agua (IAA), Índice desolubilidad en agua (ISA), Turbidez y Sinéresis. Los resultados indicaron altocontenido de amilosa (...
In Colombia, there are geographic areas where the potato crop is the principal economic product. The...
The preservation of Andean roots and tubers (ART) depends on the recognition of their health-promoti...
The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an important source of starch which is underused in Peru, as are m...
RESUMEN El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar física, funcional y estructuralmenteme...
Andean potatoes (Solanum tuberosum andigenum) are a staple food for Andean population; there is grea...
A região dos Andes é conhecida por sua grande diversidade genética em vegetais, sobretudo raízes e t...
There are many varieties of native potatoes grown in different regions of Peru, usually for farmers´...
In Colombia, there are geographic areas where the potato crop is the principal economic product. The...
The physicochemical and rheological properties of starches from four land races of Andean potato (Cu...
The authors acknowledge the financial support from CONCYTEC, Peru (Contract 412-2001-OAJ). This work...
Potatoes are part of the staple food of Andean populations. Although there are more than 200 Andean ...
Abstract: Ten native potato varieties grown in Cusco (at 3,672 m above sea level) were used for star...
El cultivo de batata en Colombia registra pocos excedentes para el mercado nacional, su rendimiento ...
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar física, funcional y estructuralmentemente los al...
Due to the high genetic variability of the potato, the starch can exhibit different properties of in...
In Colombia, there are geographic areas where the potato crop is the principal economic product. The...
The preservation of Andean roots and tubers (ART) depends on the recognition of their health-promoti...
The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an important source of starch which is underused in Peru, as are m...
RESUMEN El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar física, funcional y estructuralmenteme...
Andean potatoes (Solanum tuberosum andigenum) are a staple food for Andean population; there is grea...
A região dos Andes é conhecida por sua grande diversidade genética em vegetais, sobretudo raízes e t...
There are many varieties of native potatoes grown in different regions of Peru, usually for farmers´...
In Colombia, there are geographic areas where the potato crop is the principal economic product. The...
The physicochemical and rheological properties of starches from four land races of Andean potato (Cu...
The authors acknowledge the financial support from CONCYTEC, Peru (Contract 412-2001-OAJ). This work...
Potatoes are part of the staple food of Andean populations. Although there are more than 200 Andean ...
Abstract: Ten native potato varieties grown in Cusco (at 3,672 m above sea level) were used for star...
El cultivo de batata en Colombia registra pocos excedentes para el mercado nacional, su rendimiento ...
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar física, funcional y estructuralmentemente los al...
Due to the high genetic variability of the potato, the starch can exhibit different properties of in...
In Colombia, there are geographic areas where the potato crop is the principal economic product. The...
The preservation of Andean roots and tubers (ART) depends on the recognition of their health-promoti...
The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an important source of starch which is underused in Peru, as are m...