Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju da suradnja u istraživanjima između znanosti i industrije može biti snažan izvor inovacija i čimbenik koji pridonosi uspješnosti u inovacijama i ekonomskom rastu. Iako brojne mjere javnih politika i inicijative potiču zajednička istraživanja akademske zajednice i industrije, njihov potencijal još nije primjereno iskorišten. Ovaj rad daje pregled postojeće literature o suradnji u istraživanju između znanosti i industrije. Rad analizira i diskutira motive i druge čimbenike koji utječu na suradnju i identificira ograničenja zajedničkom istraživanju s aspekta poduzeća i javnih istraživačkih institucija. Na temelju pregleda literature izvode se preporuke za inovacijske politike.Existing research indicates that sc...
University-industry research collaboration is an essential, effective and dynamic factor not only fo...
The term ‘collaboration’ is used to depict the all forms of agreement between academic institutions,...
Academic scientists' engagement with industry is a central mechanism in university-industry knowle...
Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju da suradnja u istraživanjima između znanosti i industrije može biti...
Collaboration between industry and science is considered one of the most important aspects of the in...
The theory of National Innovation System emphasizes innovation as a source of economic and productiv...
Odnosi između znanosti i gospodarstva smatraju se vrlo važnim dijelom inovacijskoga sustava i jednim...
Paper analyses barriers to science-industry cooperation in Slovenia through three detailed case stud...
Mokslo institucijų ir verslo subjektų interesų suvokimas yra būtina sąlyga norint veiksmingai spręst...
The article looks at the collaboration of companies with the science sector and its impact on the in...
In order to develop an innovation, enterprises can collaborate either with academic institutions or ...
The purpose of this article is to identify the conditions for the involvement of scientists in coope...
Collaboration between academia and industry is believed important for innovation: industry needs aca...
For many years the transfer, exchange and collaboration of knowledge and technology between academia...
The growing complexity of innovation has led to transition to an open innovation approach. Achieving...
University-industry research collaboration is an essential, effective and dynamic factor not only fo...
The term ‘collaboration’ is used to depict the all forms of agreement between academic institutions,...
Academic scientists' engagement with industry is a central mechanism in university-industry knowle...
Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju da suradnja u istraživanjima između znanosti i industrije može biti...
Collaboration between industry and science is considered one of the most important aspects of the in...
The theory of National Innovation System emphasizes innovation as a source of economic and productiv...
Odnosi između znanosti i gospodarstva smatraju se vrlo važnim dijelom inovacijskoga sustava i jednim...
Paper analyses barriers to science-industry cooperation in Slovenia through three detailed case stud...
Mokslo institucijų ir verslo subjektų interesų suvokimas yra būtina sąlyga norint veiksmingai spręst...
The article looks at the collaboration of companies with the science sector and its impact on the in...
In order to develop an innovation, enterprises can collaborate either with academic institutions or ...
The purpose of this article is to identify the conditions for the involvement of scientists in coope...
Collaboration between academia and industry is believed important for innovation: industry needs aca...
For many years the transfer, exchange and collaboration of knowledge and technology between academia...
The growing complexity of innovation has led to transition to an open innovation approach. Achieving...
University-industry research collaboration is an essential, effective and dynamic factor not only fo...
The term ‘collaboration’ is used to depict the all forms of agreement between academic institutions,...
Academic scientists' engagement with industry is a central mechanism in university-industry knowle...