Latar Belakang : Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) ialah gangguan pendengaran yang disebabkan akibat terpajan oleh bising yang cukup keras dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama dan biasanya diakibatkan oleh bising lingkungan kerja. Masa bekerja menjadi salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara masa bekerja dengan Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) pada pekerja ground handling Bandara Adi Sumarmo. Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini bersifat analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2017 di Bandara Adi Sumarmo, Boyolali. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakuk...
Background : Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a hearing impairment resulted from noise exposure ...
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss is one type of hearing loss which is caused by the prolong and loud expos...
Hermawan, Muhammad Faiz. 2020. The Correlation Between The Duration of Exposure to Machine Noise and...
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss / NIHL ialah gangguan pendengaran yang disebabkan oleh paparan bising yan...
Kebisingan ruang mesin dapat menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganal...
The Correlation of Noise Level with Hearing Loss Ground Handling Worker of PT. Gapura Angkasa Adi So...
WHO (2007) revealed that the prevalence of deafness in Indonesia reached 4.2%. Countries in the worl...
Intensitas bising 85 dB atau lebih menyebabkan kerusakan reseptor Corti. Perusahaan X telah melakuka...
Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah PT Pri Adhi Husada menggunakan mesin dalam proses produks...
: Noise-induced hearing loss, hearing loss is either a part or the whole hearing, irreversible, oc...
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) atau Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Bising (GPAB) adalah gangguan pe...
Background: In 2012, International Labour Organization (ILO) noted there was 2 million cases due to ...
Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of occupational related diseases which is most found in man...
Pada artikel ini, mengindentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko yang dapat menyebabkan noise induced hearin...
Noise exposure can cause hearing loss types of conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss o...
Background : Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a hearing impairment resulted from noise exposure ...
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss is one type of hearing loss which is caused by the prolong and loud expos...
Hermawan, Muhammad Faiz. 2020. The Correlation Between The Duration of Exposure to Machine Noise and...
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss / NIHL ialah gangguan pendengaran yang disebabkan oleh paparan bising yan...
Kebisingan ruang mesin dapat menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganal...
The Correlation of Noise Level with Hearing Loss Ground Handling Worker of PT. Gapura Angkasa Adi So...
WHO (2007) revealed that the prevalence of deafness in Indonesia reached 4.2%. Countries in the worl...
Intensitas bising 85 dB atau lebih menyebabkan kerusakan reseptor Corti. Perusahaan X telah melakuka...
Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah PT Pri Adhi Husada menggunakan mesin dalam proses produks...
: Noise-induced hearing loss, hearing loss is either a part or the whole hearing, irreversible, oc...
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) atau Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Bising (GPAB) adalah gangguan pe...
Background: In 2012, International Labour Organization (ILO) noted there was 2 million cases due to ...
Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of occupational related diseases which is most found in man...
Pada artikel ini, mengindentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko yang dapat menyebabkan noise induced hearin...
Noise exposure can cause hearing loss types of conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss o...
Background : Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a hearing impairment resulted from noise exposure ...
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss is one type of hearing loss which is caused by the prolong and loud expos...
Hermawan, Muhammad Faiz. 2020. The Correlation Between The Duration of Exposure to Machine Noise and...