FORMULATION OF LIQUID SOAP FORMING OF GREEN SIRIH LEAF EXTRACT (Piper betle L.) AS ANTIFUNGI CAUSE OF CANDIDIASIS ON SKIN Zuhroul Fauziatul Umri Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematic and Science Sebelas Maret University ABSTRACT Candida sp. is the most cause of onychomycosis infection including Candida albicans which causes candidiasis. The use of synthetic antimicroba can cause serious side effects so the community started looking for natural medicines that are believed to have less side effects. This study aim to know the existence of antimicroba activity against the growth of Candida albicans of green sirih leaf extract and how the diferences between both the formula and between the results of physical properties. This study was...
Infeksi candida terjadi pada sebagian besar wanita. Jamur ini merupakan flora normal tubuh. Namun pa...
Skin cream, is one of the dosage forms, which contain little water content, and is widely used both ...
Sirih merah (Piper crocatum) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang diketahui secara empiris berkhasiat s...
Islam is a religion that likes cleanliness, in case of body hygiene, clothing, and environment. One ...
Piper betle, Coleus scutellarioides and Pluchea indica have been used empirically to overcome vagina...
Betel leaf (Piperaceae) has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that have long been recognized by ...
The use of antiseptics is highly recommended when there is a disease epidemic, even like the current...
Telang flower kombucha besides playing an important role in the food sector as a probiotic drink, it...
Soap is a cleaning product made by a chemical reaction between the bases with fatty acids. one addit...
Minyak atsiri daun sirih (Piper betle LinnJ memberikan aktifitas antimikroba terhadap Candida albica...
ABSTRAK Ummah, Yunita Putri Irsadul. 2014. Uji Daya Antifungal Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih Hitam (Pi...
The fungus Candida albicans is a pathogenic species that causes candidiasis. Pletekan plant has pote...
The prevalence of Candida albicans infections is increasing in the society. Therefore, an effective ...
Background: There are a lot of traditional medicine that can be used as alternative medicine. One of...
Background: Piper betle linn and Piper crocatum known as sirih hijau and sirih merah, both of them i...
Infeksi candida terjadi pada sebagian besar wanita. Jamur ini merupakan flora normal tubuh. Namun pa...
Skin cream, is one of the dosage forms, which contain little water content, and is widely used both ...
Sirih merah (Piper crocatum) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang diketahui secara empiris berkhasiat s...
Islam is a religion that likes cleanliness, in case of body hygiene, clothing, and environment. One ...
Piper betle, Coleus scutellarioides and Pluchea indica have been used empirically to overcome vagina...
Betel leaf (Piperaceae) has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that have long been recognized by ...
The use of antiseptics is highly recommended when there is a disease epidemic, even like the current...
Telang flower kombucha besides playing an important role in the food sector as a probiotic drink, it...
Soap is a cleaning product made by a chemical reaction between the bases with fatty acids. one addit...
Minyak atsiri daun sirih (Piper betle LinnJ memberikan aktifitas antimikroba terhadap Candida albica...
ABSTRAK Ummah, Yunita Putri Irsadul. 2014. Uji Daya Antifungal Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih Hitam (Pi...
The fungus Candida albicans is a pathogenic species that causes candidiasis. Pletekan plant has pote...
The prevalence of Candida albicans infections is increasing in the society. Therefore, an effective ...
Background: There are a lot of traditional medicine that can be used as alternative medicine. One of...
Background: Piper betle linn and Piper crocatum known as sirih hijau and sirih merah, both of them i...
Infeksi candida terjadi pada sebagian besar wanita. Jamur ini merupakan flora normal tubuh. Namun pa...
Skin cream, is one of the dosage forms, which contain little water content, and is widely used both ...
Sirih merah (Piper crocatum) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang diketahui secara empiris berkhasiat s...