Burst noise is a normally undesirable phenomenon occasionally found in bipolar semiconductors and other current carrying devices. It is an electrical fluctuation which exhibits itself as one or more rectangular waveforms possessing constant amplitude but random pulse duration. The experimental portion of this study relates only to burst noise in bipolar transistors and operational amplifiers. Burst noise is not Gaussian as are the more common fluctuations in semiconductors. That fact was established by estimation of the amplitude distribution, a technique found to be sensitive in the detection of burst noise obscured by quantities of conventional noise. The amplitude of burst noise varies with the parameters of base-emit...
Contains research objectives and reports on one research project.Joint Services Electronics Programs...
"September 7, 1956." "This report is based on a thesis that was submitted to the Department of Elect...
This thesis presents a comprehensive investigation of noise and thermodynamics in electronic circuit...
NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in ...
A physical model for burst noise in p−n junction devices is presented. It is proposed that burst noi...
Noise models for diodes and transistors I pn junctions and BJTs- shot noise, flicker noise, burst no...
The experimental portion of this thesis tries to estimate the density of the power spectrum of very ...
This research explores noise estimation techniques in an attempt to improve upon a previously develo...
Experimental facts about noise are presented which help us to understand the correlation between noi...
International audienceThis paper presents an experimental method that can be used to determine the c...
International audiencehis paper presents a detailed experimental analysis of the cyclostationary pro...
This survey deals with 1/f noise in homogeneous semiconductor samples. A distinction is made between...
This paper introduces a novel method for bandpass cancellation of the quantization noise occurring i...
A model connecting the radiation-induced noise figure shifts to the d.c. base current increases is p...
This article gives a discussion on impulse noise, its models and how it affects communications syste...
Contains research objectives and reports on one research project.Joint Services Electronics Programs...
"September 7, 1956." "This report is based on a thesis that was submitted to the Department of Elect...
This thesis presents a comprehensive investigation of noise and thermodynamics in electronic circuit...
NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in ...
A physical model for burst noise in p−n junction devices is presented. It is proposed that burst noi...
Noise models for diodes and transistors I pn junctions and BJTs- shot noise, flicker noise, burst no...
The experimental portion of this thesis tries to estimate the density of the power spectrum of very ...
This research explores noise estimation techniques in an attempt to improve upon a previously develo...
Experimental facts about noise are presented which help us to understand the correlation between noi...
International audienceThis paper presents an experimental method that can be used to determine the c...
International audiencehis paper presents a detailed experimental analysis of the cyclostationary pro...
This survey deals with 1/f noise in homogeneous semiconductor samples. A distinction is made between...
This paper introduces a novel method for bandpass cancellation of the quantization noise occurring i...
A model connecting the radiation-induced noise figure shifts to the d.c. base current increases is p...
This article gives a discussion on impulse noise, its models and how it affects communications syste...
Contains research objectives and reports on one research project.Joint Services Electronics Programs...
"September 7, 1956." "This report is based on a thesis that was submitted to the Department of Elect...
This thesis presents a comprehensive investigation of noise and thermodynamics in electronic circuit...