Los Angeles Police Department sworn personell by rank, sex & ethnicity, 1991 February 21
Exhibit J) Los Angeles Police Department hiring statistics by race (1989-1991), 1991 June 11
Los Angeles Police Department culture, community relations and community-based policing, 1991
Analyses requested by counsel 21. Independent Commission on the LAPD: Officer list, 1991 June 9. Lis...
Los Angeles Police Department. Sworn personnel by rank, sex & ethnicity, 1991 April 21
Los Angeles Police Department sworn personnel by rank and ethnicity (1980-1991), 1991-06-2
Women and minorities in the Los Angeles Police Department ranks (as of 4/21/91), 1991 May 17
Los Angeles Police Department personnel by division, descent and CS class (1980-1991), 1991 June 22
Los Angeles Police Department personnel by division, descent and CS class (1983-1991), 1991 June 21
Nancy McClelland. [Independent Commission on the LAPD]: Roster of sworn personnel who promoted to li...
Los Angeles Police Department count of female and male officers (1980-5/19/1991), [1991]
Selected Los Angeles Police Department command and staff officers, 1991 April 29
Statistical reports of number & positions held by race within the Los Angeles Police Department, 199...
Los Angeles Police Department Training Administrator position duties, 1991 April 19
Los Angeles Police Department arrest, use of force, and complaints statistics (1989-1991), 1991
Los Angeles Police Department Metropolitan Division, K-9 Unit, statistics (1988-1991), 1991 July
Exhibit J) Los Angeles Police Department hiring statistics by race (1989-1991), 1991 June 11
Los Angeles Police Department culture, community relations and community-based policing, 1991
Analyses requested by counsel 21. Independent Commission on the LAPD: Officer list, 1991 June 9. Lis...
Los Angeles Police Department. Sworn personnel by rank, sex & ethnicity, 1991 April 21
Los Angeles Police Department sworn personnel by rank and ethnicity (1980-1991), 1991-06-2
Women and minorities in the Los Angeles Police Department ranks (as of 4/21/91), 1991 May 17
Los Angeles Police Department personnel by division, descent and CS class (1980-1991), 1991 June 22
Los Angeles Police Department personnel by division, descent and CS class (1983-1991), 1991 June 21
Nancy McClelland. [Independent Commission on the LAPD]: Roster of sworn personnel who promoted to li...
Los Angeles Police Department count of female and male officers (1980-5/19/1991), [1991]
Selected Los Angeles Police Department command and staff officers, 1991 April 29
Statistical reports of number & positions held by race within the Los Angeles Police Department, 199...
Los Angeles Police Department Training Administrator position duties, 1991 April 19
Los Angeles Police Department arrest, use of force, and complaints statistics (1989-1991), 1991
Los Angeles Police Department Metropolitan Division, K-9 Unit, statistics (1988-1991), 1991 July
Exhibit J) Los Angeles Police Department hiring statistics by race (1989-1991), 1991 June 11
Los Angeles Police Department culture, community relations and community-based policing, 1991
Analyses requested by counsel 21. Independent Commission on the LAPD: Officer list, 1991 June 9. Lis...