Los Angeles Police Department personnel by division, descent and CS class (1983-1991), 1991 June 21
Los Angeles Police Department arrest, use of force, and complaints statistics (1989-1991), 1991
Section 3: Los Angeles Police Department organizational charts, 1990 March 7 and 1991
Section 6: Training staff manual. Los Angeles, California: Training Division, Los Angeles Police Dep...
Los Angeles Police Department personnel by division, descent and CS class (1980-1991), 1991 June 22
Los Angeles Police Department Metropolitan Division, K-9 Unit, statistics (1988-1991), 1991 July
Los Angeles Police Department sworn personnel by rank and ethnicity (1980-1991), 1991-06-2
Los Angeles Police Department sworn personell by rank, sex & ethnicity, 1991 February 21
Los Angeles Police Department. Sworn personnel by rank, sex & ethnicity, 1991 April 21
Selected Los Angeles Police Department command and staff officers, 1991 April 29
Exhibit J) Los Angeles Police Department hiring statistics by race (1989-1991), 1991 June 11
Section 2: Organizational chart of the Training Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991
Los Angeles Police Department directories, [1991?]: 1) Internal Affairs Division; 2) Professional Ad...
Los Angeles Police Department count of female and male officers (1980-5/19/1991), [1991]
Statistical reports of number & positions held by race within the Los Angeles Police Department, 199...
Women and minorities in the Los Angeles Police Department ranks (as of 4/21/91), 1991 May 17
Los Angeles Police Department arrest, use of force, and complaints statistics (1989-1991), 1991
Section 3: Los Angeles Police Department organizational charts, 1990 March 7 and 1991
Section 6: Training staff manual. Los Angeles, California: Training Division, Los Angeles Police Dep...
Los Angeles Police Department personnel by division, descent and CS class (1980-1991), 1991 June 22
Los Angeles Police Department Metropolitan Division, K-9 Unit, statistics (1988-1991), 1991 July
Los Angeles Police Department sworn personnel by rank and ethnicity (1980-1991), 1991-06-2
Los Angeles Police Department sworn personell by rank, sex & ethnicity, 1991 February 21
Los Angeles Police Department. Sworn personnel by rank, sex & ethnicity, 1991 April 21
Selected Los Angeles Police Department command and staff officers, 1991 April 29
Exhibit J) Los Angeles Police Department hiring statistics by race (1989-1991), 1991 June 11
Section 2: Organizational chart of the Training Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991
Los Angeles Police Department directories, [1991?]: 1) Internal Affairs Division; 2) Professional Ad...
Los Angeles Police Department count of female and male officers (1980-5/19/1991), [1991]
Statistical reports of number & positions held by race within the Los Angeles Police Department, 199...
Women and minorities in the Los Angeles Police Department ranks (as of 4/21/91), 1991 May 17
Los Angeles Police Department arrest, use of force, and complaints statistics (1989-1991), 1991
Section 3: Los Angeles Police Department organizational charts, 1990 March 7 and 1991
Section 6: Training staff manual. Los Angeles, California: Training Division, Los Angeles Police Dep...