Rezumat. Republica Moldova este statul care face parte din Parteneriatul de Est cu Uniunea Europeană. Din august 2014 între Republica Moldova şi Uniunea Europeană acţionează Acordul de Asociere. Astfel, evenimentele care se produc în Uniunea Europeană necesită a fi cunoscute şi de către cetăţenii Republicii Moldova. La 01 martie 2017, la Bruxelles, preşedintele Juncker în discursul privind starea Uniunii din 2016, în funcţia de preşedinte a Comisiei Europene a prezentat un document important, cu denumirea Cartea albă privind viitorul Europei care, în prezent, este discutat pe larg de oamenii de ştiinţă, politicieni, societate civilă etc. La 29 martie 2017, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii a trimis o informare oficială Consiliului European ...
Unia Europejska od kilku lat musi mierzyć się z niespotykanymi dotąd trudnościami. Związane jest to ...
The 2014–19 European Parliament legislature faced a number of crises which threatened the future of...
Taking into account the very reality pertaining to the upsurge of the European integrating process i...
ABSTRACT: The European project known as European Union has brought during the years lasting peace, d...
The aim of this paper is to investigate the evolutive aspect of the political, economic and commerc...
Cette thèse décrit les évolutions politiques de la république de Moldavie en portant une attention p...
Considering the present interest of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in ...
Nie ulega wątpliwości, że Unia Europejska, będąca efektem europejskiej integracji jest w historii st...
The EU enlargement raises many questions to Member States, among which the institutional framework o...
Some extraordinary events have been taking place in the European Union in recent years. This group ...
What kind of Union will there be after Brexit and potentially other exits? Will the European Union (...
The European Union is a rather new player in international relations. The European Union is neither ...
The article emphasizes a chronological and a geographical outlook of the phenomenon of European inte...
This chapter is structured around four scenarios on the future of the EU: ‘Disintegration’, ‘Pieceme...
Rezumat. Uniunea Europeană se îndreaptă spre dezintegrare, astfel încât toţi cei care împărtăşesc v...
Unia Europejska od kilku lat musi mierzyć się z niespotykanymi dotąd trudnościami. Związane jest to ...
The 2014–19 European Parliament legislature faced a number of crises which threatened the future of...
Taking into account the very reality pertaining to the upsurge of the European integrating process i...
ABSTRACT: The European project known as European Union has brought during the years lasting peace, d...
The aim of this paper is to investigate the evolutive aspect of the political, economic and commerc...
Cette thèse décrit les évolutions politiques de la république de Moldavie en portant une attention p...
Considering the present interest of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in ...
Nie ulega wątpliwości, że Unia Europejska, będąca efektem europejskiej integracji jest w historii st...
The EU enlargement raises many questions to Member States, among which the institutional framework o...
Some extraordinary events have been taking place in the European Union in recent years. This group ...
What kind of Union will there be after Brexit and potentially other exits? Will the European Union (...
The European Union is a rather new player in international relations. The European Union is neither ...
The article emphasizes a chronological and a geographical outlook of the phenomenon of European inte...
This chapter is structured around four scenarios on the future of the EU: ‘Disintegration’, ‘Pieceme...
Rezumat. Uniunea Europeană se îndreaptă spre dezintegrare, astfel încât toţi cei care împărtăşesc v...
Unia Europejska od kilku lat musi mierzyć się z niespotykanymi dotąd trudnościami. Związane jest to ...
The 2014–19 European Parliament legislature faced a number of crises which threatened the future of...
Taking into account the very reality pertaining to the upsurge of the European integrating process i...