Abstract: Epistemology of Fiqh Siyâsah. Islam is not merely a theological system but also a social and state system. The ulamas through their ijtihad formulated Islamic teachings on state in ‘ilm al-siyâsah al-Islâmiyyah or fiqh siyâsah (Islamic political knowledge). This is defined as “knowledge that deals with managing Islamic state affairs in terms of systems and laws that are in line with the Islamic principles, even if there is no certain argumentation (from the Quran and the Sunnah)”. This knowledge has grown dynamically, because it can interact with political ideas and systems from the outside as well as local culture, including with the modern political system.Keywords: fiqh siyâsah, siyâsah syar‘iyyah, islamic political thought, i...
The paper is trying to discuss the renewal of scientific epistemology fiqh according to liberal Isla...
Fast traslate Icon translate In this paper the author tries to explore how the construction of...
Hujjah al-Islam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (w.1111), tidak saja mengakui empiris, rasio, intuisi...
Abstract: Epistemology of Fiqh Siyâsah. Islam is not merely a theological system but also a social a...
The concept of authority and dominance bore political intrigues among Muslim community throughout th...
Ibnu Rusyd berusaha mempertemukan antara wahyu, rasio, dan realitas, atau antara epistemologi bayani...
Kajian epistemologi hukum Islam (fikih) membahas sumber, metode dan validitas, tolok ukur atas keben...
The concept of Islammic legal epistemology both syari’ah and fiqh frequently regarded as uncompleted...
ABSTRACT This paper discusses the importance of the formulation and dissemination of the epistemo...
Epistemologi Fiqh Indonesia: Analisis Pemikiran Tengku Muhammad Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy: Untuk mendapatk...
Dikotomi keilmuan modern dan keilmuan Islam merupakan pembahasan yang belum usai diperbincangkan di...
Correct understanding of the basic elements in Islamic political economy is a necessity for its deve...
This article focuses on some aspects of Islamic epistemology which includes the concepts, natures an...
Correct understanding of the basic elements in Islamic political economy is a necessity for its deve...
Abstract: Two aspects in Islamic teachings are normative and historical aspects. These two aspects a...
The paper is trying to discuss the renewal of scientific epistemology fiqh according to liberal Isla...
Fast traslate Icon translate In this paper the author tries to explore how the construction of...
Hujjah al-Islam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (w.1111), tidak saja mengakui empiris, rasio, intuisi...
Abstract: Epistemology of Fiqh Siyâsah. Islam is not merely a theological system but also a social a...
The concept of authority and dominance bore political intrigues among Muslim community throughout th...
Ibnu Rusyd berusaha mempertemukan antara wahyu, rasio, dan realitas, atau antara epistemologi bayani...
Kajian epistemologi hukum Islam (fikih) membahas sumber, metode dan validitas, tolok ukur atas keben...
The concept of Islammic legal epistemology both syari’ah and fiqh frequently regarded as uncompleted...
ABSTRACT This paper discusses the importance of the formulation and dissemination of the epistemo...
Epistemologi Fiqh Indonesia: Analisis Pemikiran Tengku Muhammad Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy: Untuk mendapatk...
Dikotomi keilmuan modern dan keilmuan Islam merupakan pembahasan yang belum usai diperbincangkan di...
Correct understanding of the basic elements in Islamic political economy is a necessity for its deve...
This article focuses on some aspects of Islamic epistemology which includes the concepts, natures an...
Correct understanding of the basic elements in Islamic political economy is a necessity for its deve...
Abstract: Two aspects in Islamic teachings are normative and historical aspects. These two aspects a...
The paper is trying to discuss the renewal of scientific epistemology fiqh according to liberal Isla...
Fast traslate Icon translate In this paper the author tries to explore how the construction of...
Hujjah al-Islam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (w.1111), tidak saja mengakui empiris, rasio, intuisi...