Title: The Status of the Picture in Readers’ Comments Online. Narrative Interaction in Jakob Wegelius’ The Legend of Sally Jones and The Murderer’s Ape The award-winning novels Legenden om Sally Jones (2008; The Legend of Sally Jones, 2018) and Mördarens apa (2014; The Murderer’s Ape, 2017) written and illustrated by Jakob Wegelius present a thought-provoking interplay between verbal and visual narration. However, an online data collection of blog posts and online reviews reveals that readers discuss the verbal narration and intersectional themes in these novels, but often overlook the pictures. This study contributes to the discussion of narrative interaction by juxtaposing analyses of pictures in the novels and online comments by readers ...
The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between text and picture in two works by Sve...
Datorspel som litteratur i undervisning är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde. I detta examensarbete...
Concentrating on Doris drar (Doris Leaves, 2015), Pudlar och pommes (Poodles and Fries, 2016), and V...
Title: The Status of the Picture in Readers’ Comments Online. Narrative Interaction in Jakob Wegeliu...
The award-winning novels Legenden om Sally Jones (2008; The Legend of Sally Jones, 2018) and Mördare...
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera ett begränsat antal bilderböcker från två tidsepoker och un...
Hur ser berättelsen om svensk gängkriminalitet ut i tre aktuella reportageböcker och med vilken berä...
Undertale1 is a computer game developed by Toby Fox. The game was published in 2015 and received a p...
Die Anglistin Stefanie Albers widmet sich in ihrer im Wissenschaftlichen Verlag Trier erschienenen D...
In my paper I have analyzed what function the small characters have in Sven Nordqvists picture books...
Uppsatsen analyserar kameravinklar i förhållande till illustrationer som finns i ett onlinespel. Dis...
The aim of this essay is to distinguish power-relations between children and adult characters in fiv...
Sammanfattning Hur kan bilderbokens ikonotext, med dess särpräglade uttryck och estetik ge uttryck f...
For many people, a good game is synonymous with good graphics. One thing that is often forgotten, is...
The article explores the medium-specific qualities of graphic narration for representing experientia...
The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between text and picture in two works by Sve...
Datorspel som litteratur i undervisning är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde. I detta examensarbete...
Concentrating on Doris drar (Doris Leaves, 2015), Pudlar och pommes (Poodles and Fries, 2016), and V...
Title: The Status of the Picture in Readers’ Comments Online. Narrative Interaction in Jakob Wegeliu...
The award-winning novels Legenden om Sally Jones (2008; The Legend of Sally Jones, 2018) and Mördare...
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera ett begränsat antal bilderböcker från två tidsepoker och un...
Hur ser berättelsen om svensk gängkriminalitet ut i tre aktuella reportageböcker och med vilken berä...
Undertale1 is a computer game developed by Toby Fox. The game was published in 2015 and received a p...
Die Anglistin Stefanie Albers widmet sich in ihrer im Wissenschaftlichen Verlag Trier erschienenen D...
In my paper I have analyzed what function the small characters have in Sven Nordqvists picture books...
Uppsatsen analyserar kameravinklar i förhållande till illustrationer som finns i ett onlinespel. Dis...
The aim of this essay is to distinguish power-relations between children and adult characters in fiv...
Sammanfattning Hur kan bilderbokens ikonotext, med dess särpräglade uttryck och estetik ge uttryck f...
For many people, a good game is synonymous with good graphics. One thing that is often forgotten, is...
The article explores the medium-specific qualities of graphic narration for representing experientia...
The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between text and picture in two works by Sve...
Datorspel som litteratur i undervisning är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde. I detta examensarbete...
Concentrating on Doris drar (Doris Leaves, 2015), Pudlar och pommes (Poodles and Fries, 2016), and V...