Latar belakang: goiter multinodul retrosternal merupakan massa tiroid yang meluas sampai sternum hingga mengisi ruang inlet torakal. Dapat disebut retrosternal multinodul tiroid apabila massa tiroid lebih dari separuhnya berada di dalam inlet torakal. Pembedahan merupakan pilihan utama. Pilihan pembedahan yaitu dengan insisi collar dan sternotomi, clamshell insisi, bahkan sampai thorakotomi. Kasus: dilaporkan kasus pasien wanita 62 tahun dengan goiter multinodul hingga retrosternal. Hasil USG menunjukkan struma diffusa kiri dengan kista multipel kompleks pada tiroid kanan. CT Scan didapatkan massa tiroid multipel kiri dengan gambaran nekrosis sentral dan kalsifikasi egg shell, dan infiltrasi toraks. Dari foto toraks didapatkan massa di lehe...
Objective: The purpose of this research work is to find out the rate and occurrence of RG (Retroster...
Enlarged nodular goiters are becoming increasingly infrequent. They are still common in certain geog...
Diving goitres can descend the cervical region expanding directly into the thoracic cavity. In most ...
The decision for median sternotomy for retrosternal goiter is complex and proper consensus are lacki...
Goitrous enlargement of the thyroid gland usually presents as a nontender anterior neck mass. Asympt...
Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD'nda; Ocak 1993-Aralık 1997 tarihleri arasında öpere ...
Retrosternal extension of goiter is one of the most common types of masses in the superior mediastin...
Ozpolat, Berkant/0000-0002-6203-7306WOS: 000262928800010Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate t...
Background. The definition of substernal goiter is not uniform and varies among authors. We can defi...
Latar Belakang: Nodul tiroid adalah pembengkakan atau massa pada kelenjar tiroid.<br />Pembedahan me...
Background: Retrosternal goiter is defined as a thyroid mass of which more than 50% is located below...
Introduction: Retrosternal goiter refers to any thyroid enlargement in which over 50% of the thyroid...
Kelenjar tiroid berada di bagian depan leher, di bawah tulang rawan tiroid (jakun). Pada kebanyakan ...
Kolesteatom kongenital dapat tumbuh di telinga tengah, apeks petrosus dari tulang temporal dan masto...
Goiter merupakan pembesaran kelenjar tiroid yang dapat berkaitan dengan gangguan primer pada organ t...
Objective: The purpose of this research work is to find out the rate and occurrence of RG (Retroster...
Enlarged nodular goiters are becoming increasingly infrequent. They are still common in certain geog...
Diving goitres can descend the cervical region expanding directly into the thoracic cavity. In most ...
The decision for median sternotomy for retrosternal goiter is complex and proper consensus are lacki...
Goitrous enlargement of the thyroid gland usually presents as a nontender anterior neck mass. Asympt...
Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD'nda; Ocak 1993-Aralık 1997 tarihleri arasında öpere ...
Retrosternal extension of goiter is one of the most common types of masses in the superior mediastin...
Ozpolat, Berkant/0000-0002-6203-7306WOS: 000262928800010Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate t...
Background. The definition of substernal goiter is not uniform and varies among authors. We can defi...
Latar Belakang: Nodul tiroid adalah pembengkakan atau massa pada kelenjar tiroid.<br />Pembedahan me...
Background: Retrosternal goiter is defined as a thyroid mass of which more than 50% is located below...
Introduction: Retrosternal goiter refers to any thyroid enlargement in which over 50% of the thyroid...
Kelenjar tiroid berada di bagian depan leher, di bawah tulang rawan tiroid (jakun). Pada kebanyakan ...
Kolesteatom kongenital dapat tumbuh di telinga tengah, apeks petrosus dari tulang temporal dan masto...
Goiter merupakan pembesaran kelenjar tiroid yang dapat berkaitan dengan gangguan primer pada organ t...
Objective: The purpose of this research work is to find out the rate and occurrence of RG (Retroster...
Enlarged nodular goiters are becoming increasingly infrequent. They are still common in certain geog...
Diving goitres can descend the cervical region expanding directly into the thoracic cavity. In most ...