Student learning achievement in Indonesia is low, this is because there are still many students who experience difficulties in learning geometry. To overcome these problems a way is needed so that students can understand concepts meaningfully and have good geometrical reasoning. This is certainly related to the appropriate learning model to be used in the learning process. One model of learning that can be used is a problem-based learning model. The purpose of this study is to describe the ability to understand the concepts and geometric reasoning of students who acquired a problem-based learning model compared with students who received conventional learning on quadrilateral material in class VII MTs. Tanwiriyah Kalisari. The research meth...
This is qualitative research with a descriptive-explorative approach that aims to determine students...
Kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis merupakan suatu kemampuan yang mendasar untuk mencapai pembelaj...
Geometry is a mathematical branch that deals with the shape of an object, the spatial relationship b...
Student learning achievement in Indonesia is low, this is because there are still many students who ...
Kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis merupakan salah satu hal penting yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa...
Kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis merupakan salah satu hal penting yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa...
This research aims to look at differences in concept comprehension capabilities using the Problem Ba...
The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics students in class XI I...
This research is aimed to know: (1) Whether the increasing of mathematical concept understanding abi...
Learning geometry is an important lesson because it is studied at every level of education and geome...
Abstract: The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of the learning models on the...
The knowledge of fourth-grade elementary school students about plane geometry, especially flat figur...
The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe students' thinking processes in solving geometr...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Tasi...
The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of the learning models on the learning ...
This is qualitative research with a descriptive-explorative approach that aims to determine students...
Kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis merupakan suatu kemampuan yang mendasar untuk mencapai pembelaj...
Geometry is a mathematical branch that deals with the shape of an object, the spatial relationship b...
Student learning achievement in Indonesia is low, this is because there are still many students who ...
Kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis merupakan salah satu hal penting yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa...
Kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis merupakan salah satu hal penting yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa...
This research aims to look at differences in concept comprehension capabilities using the Problem Ba...
The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics students in class XI I...
This research is aimed to know: (1) Whether the increasing of mathematical concept understanding abi...
Learning geometry is an important lesson because it is studied at every level of education and geome...
Abstract: The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of the learning models on the...
The knowledge of fourth-grade elementary school students about plane geometry, especially flat figur...
The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe students' thinking processes in solving geometr...
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Tasi...
The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of the learning models on the learning ...
This is qualitative research with a descriptive-explorative approach that aims to determine students...
Kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis merupakan suatu kemampuan yang mendasar untuk mencapai pembelaj...
Geometry is a mathematical branch that deals with the shape of an object, the spatial relationship b...