Table S1. Frequency of different bacterial OTUs in mosquito samples. (XLSX 11 kb
Figure S2. The midgut bacterial communities are highly structured by sequencing run. The cluster den...
Table S2. Band counting numbers, Shannon index (diversity), Simpson index (diversity) and Pielou’s i...
Relative abundance of the top 20 bacterial families in Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans samples from dif...
Table S4. SIMPER analysis results showing differential abundance of bacterial OTUs among mosquito sp...
Table S2. Number of OTUs from each phylum that were identified from nine mosquito species from six U...
GPS coordinates for the nine study sites and the number of Culex spp. mosquitoes collected from each...
Table S1. Percentage of phyla OTUs in the reproductive organs (A) salivary glands (B) and guts (C). ...
Taxonomy of bacterial OTUs that were shared between Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans or were unique to e...
Figure S1. Alpha diversity. Box plots of bacterial species richness associated with the nine mosquit...
Table S3. Pairwise ANOSIM comparisons of sample groups. Only 12 pairwise comparisons (in bold) remai...
Table S1. Mosquito species capture data and disease vector status for each of the mosquito species c...
Additional file 4: Table S2. Sample sizes and measures of parasite infection in the midguts
Histogram. Histogram showing the frequency of shared OTUs (WLA) among samples. (PDF 171 kb
Relative abundance of the top 20 bacterial OTUs in Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans samples from differe...
Figure S2. Rarefaction curves. Rarefaction curves calculated for each sample based on the OTU comput...
Figure S2. The midgut bacterial communities are highly structured by sequencing run. The cluster den...
Table S2. Band counting numbers, Shannon index (diversity), Simpson index (diversity) and Pielou’s i...
Relative abundance of the top 20 bacterial families in Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans samples from dif...
Table S4. SIMPER analysis results showing differential abundance of bacterial OTUs among mosquito sp...
Table S2. Number of OTUs from each phylum that were identified from nine mosquito species from six U...
GPS coordinates for the nine study sites and the number of Culex spp. mosquitoes collected from each...
Table S1. Percentage of phyla OTUs in the reproductive organs (A) salivary glands (B) and guts (C). ...
Taxonomy of bacterial OTUs that were shared between Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans or were unique to e...
Figure S1. Alpha diversity. Box plots of bacterial species richness associated with the nine mosquit...
Table S3. Pairwise ANOSIM comparisons of sample groups. Only 12 pairwise comparisons (in bold) remai...
Table S1. Mosquito species capture data and disease vector status for each of the mosquito species c...
Additional file 4: Table S2. Sample sizes and measures of parasite infection in the midguts
Histogram. Histogram showing the frequency of shared OTUs (WLA) among samples. (PDF 171 kb
Relative abundance of the top 20 bacterial OTUs in Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans samples from differe...
Figure S2. Rarefaction curves. Rarefaction curves calculated for each sample based on the OTU comput...
Figure S2. The midgut bacterial communities are highly structured by sequencing run. The cluster den...
Table S2. Band counting numbers, Shannon index (diversity), Simpson index (diversity) and Pielou’s i...
Relative abundance of the top 20 bacterial families in Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans samples from dif...