WGCNA identification of colonic gene modules correlated with the bacterial abundance. The module-trait relationships indicates the correlation coefficients and p-values (in the brackets). The color scale bar shown in the right represents the Pearson correlation ranging from ââ1 (green) to 1 (red). The bacterial population examined were Lactobacillus from the colon content (lac_C_P), Lactobacillus from the attached colon (lac_T_P), Faecali bacterium prausnitzii from the colon content (fea_C_P), Faecali bacterium prausnitzii from the attached colon (fea_T_P), Bifidobacterium from the colon content (bif_C_P), Bifidobacterium from the attached colon (bif_T_P), which were shown on the bottom. (PDF 8 kb
Figure S3. Experimental strategy to validate attenuated mutants in vivo. To confirm the differential...
Table S1. Summary statistics for comparison of alpha-diversity of microbial communities. Table S2. S...
Figure S1. (A) Shannon α-diversity of maternal fecal microbiota. (B) of maternal fecal microbial β-d...
Clustering dendrogram of genes showing module membership in colours. (TIFF 946 kb
List of immune related genes in the colon of 51-h age of dairy calves and the gene list obtained fro...
Sample information details and sequencing results mapped to reference genome by Tophat2. (XLSX 10 kb
The temporally DE analysis for the immune-related genes. Sheet 1. Temporally DE immune-related genes...
GO terms enrichment for each temporally DE gene expression pattern. (PDF 404Â kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Compatibility tests between Ligilactobacillus salivarius BF-17 and Lim...
Figure S5. Lactobacillus genera are quantitatively increased in the gut of synbiotic-supplemented ju...
Figure S4. Majority of species-level bacterial DNA from probiotics is undetectable in the gut of sup...
Genome-wide association analysis for NVLs vs VLs a Manhattan plot displaying the –log10(P- value) of...
Tables. (A) Top 5 Canonical pathways generated by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) of differentially...
Relative abundance (%) of 20 groups of functional genes representing 204 selected genes (number of a...
Additional file 7: Table S7. Count software analysis of the 15 taxonomic classes (A) and list of the...
Figure S3. Experimental strategy to validate attenuated mutants in vivo. To confirm the differential...
Table S1. Summary statistics for comparison of alpha-diversity of microbial communities. Table S2. S...
Figure S1. (A) Shannon α-diversity of maternal fecal microbiota. (B) of maternal fecal microbial β-d...
Clustering dendrogram of genes showing module membership in colours. (TIFF 946 kb
List of immune related genes in the colon of 51-h age of dairy calves and the gene list obtained fro...
Sample information details and sequencing results mapped to reference genome by Tophat2. (XLSX 10 kb
The temporally DE analysis for the immune-related genes. Sheet 1. Temporally DE immune-related genes...
GO terms enrichment for each temporally DE gene expression pattern. (PDF 404Â kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Compatibility tests between Ligilactobacillus salivarius BF-17 and Lim...
Figure S5. Lactobacillus genera are quantitatively increased in the gut of synbiotic-supplemented ju...
Figure S4. Majority of species-level bacterial DNA from probiotics is undetectable in the gut of sup...
Genome-wide association analysis for NVLs vs VLs a Manhattan plot displaying the –log10(P- value) of...
Tables. (A) Top 5 Canonical pathways generated by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) of differentially...
Relative abundance (%) of 20 groups of functional genes representing 204 selected genes (number of a...
Additional file 7: Table S7. Count software analysis of the 15 taxonomic classes (A) and list of the...
Figure S3. Experimental strategy to validate attenuated mutants in vivo. To confirm the differential...
Table S1. Summary statistics for comparison of alpha-diversity of microbial communities. Table S2. S...
Figure S1. (A) Shannon α-diversity of maternal fecal microbiota. (B) of maternal fecal microbial β-d...