Figure S1. The distribution of reads number in different average fragments depth. Figure S2. The distribution of Top-hits species based on Gene Ontology (GO) result. Figure S3. The sequence distribution with different Evidence Codes. Figure S4 COG classification assigned sequences to top orthologous groups. The x-axis represents the abbreviation of COG Categories, and the full name of COG Categories was on the right. The y-axis denotes the sequence number. Figure S5. The sequence distribution in different pathway detecting from the KEGG database. (PDF 1490 kb
Abstract Background Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is one of the most important crops from ...
Figure S1. Size frequency distribution of contigs (a, CSE lineage; b, SW lineage) and unigenes (c, C...
Figure S1. Diploid Ipomoea trifida and sweetpotato. (a) Whole plant of Y22, showing storage root (SR...
Table S1. The distribution of SSR loci with different SSR unit and different unit number. (DOCX 27 k...
Table S1. Survey statistic results. Table S2. Sequencing data statistics. Table S3. Statistics of as...
BLAST annotation and Gene Ontology (GO) classification of I. batatas (Sp1) contigs. (XLSX 20 MB
Orthologous genes identified between I. batatas (Sp1) and I. trifida (Sp2). (XLSX 394 KB
Figure S2. Distribution of gene ontology (GO) classifications for the 3737 orthologous pairs with Ka...
Primer sequences used for quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). (XLSX 12.5 KB
Figure S1. Histogram of average distances within ortholog groups, including single- and multi-copy i...
Figure S1. Likelihood mapping. a cox1 dataset. b nad1 dataset. For both panels: (i) distribution map...
Table S1. Accession table for vouchers used in phylogenetic analyses. Table S2. Accession table for ...
SNPs distribution of wild tomato on reference tomato chromosomes. Figure S2. Distribution of common ...
Figure S2. Histogram of average distances within genome-matching and nonmatching single-copy eukaryo...
Additional file 1: Figure S1 - BlobTools-based interrogation of genome assembly of Gr-Line 19 to ver...
Abstract Background Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is one of the most important crops from ...
Figure S1. Size frequency distribution of contigs (a, CSE lineage; b, SW lineage) and unigenes (c, C...
Figure S1. Diploid Ipomoea trifida and sweetpotato. (a) Whole plant of Y22, showing storage root (SR...
Table S1. The distribution of SSR loci with different SSR unit and different unit number. (DOCX 27 k...
Table S1. Survey statistic results. Table S2. Sequencing data statistics. Table S3. Statistics of as...
BLAST annotation and Gene Ontology (GO) classification of I. batatas (Sp1) contigs. (XLSX 20 MB
Orthologous genes identified between I. batatas (Sp1) and I. trifida (Sp2). (XLSX 394 KB
Figure S2. Distribution of gene ontology (GO) classifications for the 3737 orthologous pairs with Ka...
Primer sequences used for quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). (XLSX 12.5 KB
Figure S1. Histogram of average distances within ortholog groups, including single- and multi-copy i...
Figure S1. Likelihood mapping. a cox1 dataset. b nad1 dataset. For both panels: (i) distribution map...
Table S1. Accession table for vouchers used in phylogenetic analyses. Table S2. Accession table for ...
SNPs distribution of wild tomato on reference tomato chromosomes. Figure S2. Distribution of common ...
Figure S2. Histogram of average distances within genome-matching and nonmatching single-copy eukaryo...
Additional file 1: Figure S1 - BlobTools-based interrogation of genome assembly of Gr-Line 19 to ver...
Abstract Background Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is one of the most important crops from ...
Figure S1. Size frequency distribution of contigs (a, CSE lineage; b, SW lineage) and unigenes (c, C...
Figure S1. Diploid Ipomoea trifida and sweetpotato. (a) Whole plant of Y22, showing storage root (SR...