Table S6. Occurring haplotypes in region 52 to 61Â Mb on chromosome X and numbers of carrier animals. (XLSX 10 kb
Breed distribution across the mtDNA haplotypes for the 216 commercial pigs. (DOCX 42Â kb
REHH P-values for the detected core haplotypes with the highest frequency. (XLSX 730 kb
Additional file 8: Fig. S8. Regional association plots around rs324534752. (A) GWAS result around rs...
Table S5. Overview of SNPs in the region from 52 to 61Â Mb on chromosome X, including results of fil...
Figure S2. Neighbor-joining tree based on all SNPs in the second part of the selective sweep region ...
Table S7. Genes located in first region of large sweep on chromosome X. (XLSX 9 kb
Table S8. Overview of sampled breeds and descriptive statistics of the re-sequenced samples. (XLSX 1...
Figure S1. Multi-Dimensional-Scaling of the distance matrix underlying the phylogenetic tree, based ...
Table S2. Genome-wide estimated FST values between different contrasts of breed groups for all loci ...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of sequencing statistics (adapted from Bovo et al.[8]). The tab...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Sample information. Table S2. TE reference sequence. Table S3. Primers ...
Table S1. Summary of significant chromosome regions including genomic level (0.05/N) for NM in Landr...
Summary characteristics of core regions (CR) or core haplotypes (CH) in the studied pig breeds. (XLS...
Table S1. Detail information of used pigs. Table S2. PCR primers used for amplification of pig mitog...
Abstract Background Domestication has led to substantial phenotypic and genetic variation in domesti...
Breed distribution across the mtDNA haplotypes for the 216 commercial pigs. (DOCX 42Â kb
REHH P-values for the detected core haplotypes with the highest frequency. (XLSX 730 kb
Additional file 8: Fig. S8. Regional association plots around rs324534752. (A) GWAS result around rs...
Table S5. Overview of SNPs in the region from 52 to 61Â Mb on chromosome X, including results of fil...
Figure S2. Neighbor-joining tree based on all SNPs in the second part of the selective sweep region ...
Table S7. Genes located in first region of large sweep on chromosome X. (XLSX 9 kb
Table S8. Overview of sampled breeds and descriptive statistics of the re-sequenced samples. (XLSX 1...
Figure S1. Multi-Dimensional-Scaling of the distance matrix underlying the phylogenetic tree, based ...
Table S2. Genome-wide estimated FST values between different contrasts of breed groups for all loci ...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of sequencing statistics (adapted from Bovo et al.[8]). The tab...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Sample information. Table S2. TE reference sequence. Table S3. Primers ...
Table S1. Summary of significant chromosome regions including genomic level (0.05/N) for NM in Landr...
Summary characteristics of core regions (CR) or core haplotypes (CH) in the studied pig breeds. (XLS...
Table S1. Detail information of used pigs. Table S2. PCR primers used for amplification of pig mitog...
Abstract Background Domestication has led to substantial phenotypic and genetic variation in domesti...
Breed distribution across the mtDNA haplotypes for the 216 commercial pigs. (DOCX 42Â kb
REHH P-values for the detected core haplotypes with the highest frequency. (XLSX 730 kb
Additional file 8: Fig. S8. Regional association plots around rs324534752. (A) GWAS result around rs...