Error bars are the standard deviations of experiments done independently and in triplicates.</p
Average strain heat flow (mW) curves over time. All samples were tested in at least triplicate, with...
<p>Data presented are the average lipase activity of three independent cell cultures compared to the...
<p>The error bars represent the standard deviation calculated from repeating each LNP formation expe...
W for wild type lipase; M1 for mut1 and M2 for mut 2 lipases. The mid-point of fluorescence transiti...
<p>● Temperature-activity curve: results are expressed as a percentage of the maximal activity.■ Tem...
<p>The cellular content of the major polar lipid classes DGDG (grey bars), MGDG (black bars) and PL ...
A) Formation of zone of clearance on 10% egg yolk Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) plates around streaks of st...
<p>The graph shown was constructed from the averages of three independent experiments, with error ba...
<p>(A) Equal concentrations of <i>total</i> LipY Peak 1 and Peak 2 were incubated with a 1.5 molar e...
The bar graphs represent log2(fold change) in the respective ratios relative to PBS controls to dete...
<p>Contour plots for lipase activity in function of the variables temperature and pH (a) and volume ...
Error bars represent the standard deviation of the replicates. Different letters above bars indicate...
<p>Error bars represent standard error between three biological replicates (* p<0.05 with respect to...
The Tm of each subtilisin E variant and WT was calculated as the temperature at which the peak rate ...
<p>(A) The total lipase activities were assayed using cell lysate supernatants from the 10 recombina...
Average strain heat flow (mW) curves over time. All samples were tested in at least triplicate, with...
<p>Data presented are the average lipase activity of three independent cell cultures compared to the...
<p>The error bars represent the standard deviation calculated from repeating each LNP formation expe...
W for wild type lipase; M1 for mut1 and M2 for mut 2 lipases. The mid-point of fluorescence transiti...
<p>● Temperature-activity curve: results are expressed as a percentage of the maximal activity.■ Tem...
<p>The cellular content of the major polar lipid classes DGDG (grey bars), MGDG (black bars) and PL ...
A) Formation of zone of clearance on 10% egg yolk Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) plates around streaks of st...
<p>The graph shown was constructed from the averages of three independent experiments, with error ba...
<p>(A) Equal concentrations of <i>total</i> LipY Peak 1 and Peak 2 were incubated with a 1.5 molar e...
The bar graphs represent log2(fold change) in the respective ratios relative to PBS controls to dete...
<p>Contour plots for lipase activity in function of the variables temperature and pH (a) and volume ...
Error bars represent the standard deviation of the replicates. Different letters above bars indicate...
<p>Error bars represent standard error between three biological replicates (* p<0.05 with respect to...
The Tm of each subtilisin E variant and WT was calculated as the temperature at which the peak rate ...
<p>(A) The total lipase activities were assayed using cell lysate supernatants from the 10 recombina...
Average strain heat flow (mW) curves over time. All samples were tested in at least triplicate, with...
<p>Data presented are the average lipase activity of three independent cell cultures compared to the...
<p>The error bars represent the standard deviation calculated from repeating each LNP formation expe...