Percentages of recognition and confidence for each emotion across all stimuli.</p
Level of confidence in prescribing the antibiotics, data presented in (%) (n = 92).</p
Percentages, rounded to the first decimal, of participants who chose which EMPs for which sentences....
Mean percentage of correct identification in pre- and post-tests for each stimulus set and L1 group ...
<p>Mean proportion of accuracy in emotion recognition by intensity, emotion and gender.</p
<p>Percentage of correct responses attributed to guess and intuition for each condition.</p
Mean accuracy (standard deviations) in percentages for each group on the recognition of each emotion...
<p>The percentage of “not able to score” for each Facial Action Unit identified.</p
<p>Number and Percentage of Chosen Emotions per Intended Emotional Expression.</p
<p>Percentages indicate number of selections of each category out of total number of responses by ea...
<p>Percentage of correct matches from (A) the human assessment and (B) the computational method.</p
<p>The percentage of participants who endorsed each option in the various scenarios (%, n = 123).</p
The percentage of respondents who recognize the different food additives (n = 1038).</p
<p>Percentage of common peaks detected by each method included in the comparison and related to each...
<p>Percentages indicate number of selections of each category out of total number of responses by ea...
Estimates of mean percent of words receiving different evaluations, 95% confidence intervals, and pe...
Level of confidence in prescribing the antibiotics, data presented in (%) (n = 92).</p
Percentages, rounded to the first decimal, of participants who chose which EMPs for which sentences....
Mean percentage of correct identification in pre- and post-tests for each stimulus set and L1 group ...
<p>Mean proportion of accuracy in emotion recognition by intensity, emotion and gender.</p
<p>Percentage of correct responses attributed to guess and intuition for each condition.</p
Mean accuracy (standard deviations) in percentages for each group on the recognition of each emotion...
<p>The percentage of “not able to score” for each Facial Action Unit identified.</p
<p>Number and Percentage of Chosen Emotions per Intended Emotional Expression.</p
<p>Percentages indicate number of selections of each category out of total number of responses by ea...
<p>Percentage of correct matches from (A) the human assessment and (B) the computational method.</p
<p>The percentage of participants who endorsed each option in the various scenarios (%, n = 123).</p
The percentage of respondents who recognize the different food additives (n = 1038).</p
<p>Percentage of common peaks detected by each method included in the comparison and related to each...
<p>Percentages indicate number of selections of each category out of total number of responses by ea...
Estimates of mean percent of words receiving different evaluations, 95% confidence intervals, and pe...
Level of confidence in prescribing the antibiotics, data presented in (%) (n = 92).</p
Percentages, rounded to the first decimal, of participants who chose which EMPs for which sentences....
Mean percentage of correct identification in pre- and post-tests for each stimulus set and L1 group ...