Figure S2. Experimental validation of Ilex paraguariensis transcriptome assembly. PCR primers, PCR products and sequence identity of amplified cDNA sequences of 11 predicted genes in the Ilex paraguariensis transcriptome. A: List of 11 genes identified in the transcriptome annotation, the corresponding PCR primers sequence and expected amplicon size. B: PCR products matching expected size: 100, 150 and 1200âbp. C: Amplicon DNA sequence BLASTx results showing significant sequence identity to DNA sequences from other species deposited in public databases. (PDF 690 kb
Quality control result for RNA-seq experiment. The file contains QC result of the RNA-seq experiment...
List of the primers used for validated gene expression levels by qRT-PCR. Trinity genes were validat...
Table S5. Specific primers used for anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway related genes (XLSX 13 kb
Table S2. Summary of cDNA sequence reads from each library aligned to the assembly. For each RNA-Seq...
Figure S1. Tissue samples and starting material. A: Samples were collected from different tissues to...
Data S1B. Transcriptome annotation, protein sequences and prediction of full-length transcripts with...
Table S1. List of 531 annotated transcripts matching genes involved in the phenylpropanoid pathway a...
This contribution contains data associated to the research article entitled “Exploring the genes of ...
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) is an important subtropical tree crop cultivated on 326...
Abstract Background The most common infusion in southern Latin-American countries is prepared with d...
Primer sequences used for quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). (XLSX 12.5 KB
Detailed information for the qRT-PCR experiment. Statistical analysis results and primer information...
Gene expression in the qRT-PCR. Normalized gene expression is included in the file. (XLSX 11 kb
This contribution contains data related to the research article entitled The 18S-25S ribosomal RNA u...
Table S1. Analysis of rubber content. Table S2. Summary of sequencing results from HR, LR and Y11 li...
Quality control result for RNA-seq experiment. The file contains QC result of the RNA-seq experiment...
List of the primers used for validated gene expression levels by qRT-PCR. Trinity genes were validat...
Table S5. Specific primers used for anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway related genes (XLSX 13 kb
Table S2. Summary of cDNA sequence reads from each library aligned to the assembly. For each RNA-Seq...
Figure S1. Tissue samples and starting material. A: Samples were collected from different tissues to...
Data S1B. Transcriptome annotation, protein sequences and prediction of full-length transcripts with...
Table S1. List of 531 annotated transcripts matching genes involved in the phenylpropanoid pathway a...
This contribution contains data associated to the research article entitled “Exploring the genes of ...
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) is an important subtropical tree crop cultivated on 326...
Abstract Background The most common infusion in southern Latin-American countries is prepared with d...
Primer sequences used for quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). (XLSX 12.5 KB
Detailed information for the qRT-PCR experiment. Statistical analysis results and primer information...
Gene expression in the qRT-PCR. Normalized gene expression is included in the file. (XLSX 11 kb
This contribution contains data related to the research article entitled The 18S-25S ribosomal RNA u...
Table S1. Analysis of rubber content. Table S2. Summary of sequencing results from HR, LR and Y11 li...
Quality control result for RNA-seq experiment. The file contains QC result of the RNA-seq experiment...
List of the primers used for validated gene expression levels by qRT-PCR. Trinity genes were validat...
Table S5. Specific primers used for anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway related genes (XLSX 13 kb