Gene expression in the qRT-PCR. Normalized gene expression is included in the file. (XLSX 11 kb
List of differential expressed genes (at gene level) in early growth fruits. Expression values of th...
List of the primers used for validated gene expression levels by qRT-PCR. Trinity genes were validat...
Primers used in real-time quantitative PCR of Chrysanthemum morifolium. (XLSX 10Â kb
Detailed information for the qRT-PCR experiment. Statistical analysis results and primer information...
Quality control result for RNA-seq experiment. The file contains QC result of the RNA-seq experiment...
RNA-seq analysis results. The spreadsheet file contains statistical analysis results including FDR a...
Data (zip file) of the evidence-based novel genes identified in this study. (ZIP 250Â kb
Excel file containing the DEGs in COS at five developmental stages. (XLSX 562Â kb
Expression profiles of eight floral organ development-associated TF-encoding genes during the flower...
The expression of chlorophyll, cytochrome 450, photosystem I, II, and phytochrome-related genes in w...
Flowers of chrysanthemum A The capitulum. B The ray floret and disc floret. (TIF 2355Â kb
Table S1. The differentially expressed genes between the MS line and its maintainer line. (XLSX 4983...
Identification of key flowering- and flower development-related DEGs. (XLSX 12Â kb
The expression pattern of different genes in the root tissues of watermelon exposed to different lev...
Number of contigs detected as rRNAs and tRNAs in each transcriptome. (XLSX 33 kb
List of differential expressed genes (at gene level) in early growth fruits. Expression values of th...
List of the primers used for validated gene expression levels by qRT-PCR. Trinity genes were validat...
Primers used in real-time quantitative PCR of Chrysanthemum morifolium. (XLSX 10Â kb
Detailed information for the qRT-PCR experiment. Statistical analysis results and primer information...
Quality control result for RNA-seq experiment. The file contains QC result of the RNA-seq experiment...
RNA-seq analysis results. The spreadsheet file contains statistical analysis results including FDR a...
Data (zip file) of the evidence-based novel genes identified in this study. (ZIP 250Â kb
Excel file containing the DEGs in COS at five developmental stages. (XLSX 562Â kb
Expression profiles of eight floral organ development-associated TF-encoding genes during the flower...
The expression of chlorophyll, cytochrome 450, photosystem I, II, and phytochrome-related genes in w...
Flowers of chrysanthemum A The capitulum. B The ray floret and disc floret. (TIF 2355Â kb
Table S1. The differentially expressed genes between the MS line and its maintainer line. (XLSX 4983...
Identification of key flowering- and flower development-related DEGs. (XLSX 12Â kb
The expression pattern of different genes in the root tissues of watermelon exposed to different lev...
Number of contigs detected as rRNAs and tRNAs in each transcriptome. (XLSX 33 kb
List of differential expressed genes (at gene level) in early growth fruits. Expression values of th...
List of the primers used for validated gene expression levels by qRT-PCR. Trinity genes were validat...
Primers used in real-time quantitative PCR of Chrysanthemum morifolium. (XLSX 10Â kb