Table S2. Extended Table 2 of all results and parameters tested. Prior and posterior divergence time estimates calculated under all model assumptions described in Table 1. Divergence date ranges are given in Ma. (XLSX 12 kb
Dated Phylogeny of L4.6 diversification with a computed date of divergence between 4.6.1 and 4.6.2.<...
Divergence time estimates in millions of years (rounded to nearest 0.1 Ma) as estimated by *BEAST fo...
Supplementary Figure S2. Time-calibrated phylogenetic tree (“pruned-after”) of Musteloidea. Mean div...
Figure S4. Prior date distributions across nodes under the four calibration setups. Models: Calibrat...
Figure S1. PhyloBayes chitinase gene tree with posterior probabilities supporting nodes. (PDF 46 kb
Figure S3. Expanded RAxML gene tree with tip labels and bootstrap support values. (PDF 16 kb
Table S1. Taxa in this study and their environment. Environment refers to the environment that these...
Background: Establishing the divergence times of groups of organisms is a major goal of evolutionary...
Background Establishing the divergence times of groups of organisms is a major goal...
Most microbial taxa lack a conventional microfossil or biomarker record, and so we currently have li...
Tracer statistics of turnover, diversification and sampling proportion of the two runs and the prior...
Time-calibrated phylogeny adapted from Jones et al. [43] with divergence times given for each node. ...
Detailed information of divergence time estimation, ancestral state reconstruction, and lineage dive...
Histograms showing the distribution of selected nodes from BEAST analyses 1 and 2. (PNG 327 kb
Time calibrated phylogeny of BEAST analysis 1 plotted on stratigraphic chart. New sequenced species ...
Dated Phylogeny of L4.6 diversification with a computed date of divergence between 4.6.1 and 4.6.2.<...
Divergence time estimates in millions of years (rounded to nearest 0.1 Ma) as estimated by *BEAST fo...
Supplementary Figure S2. Time-calibrated phylogenetic tree (“pruned-after”) of Musteloidea. Mean div...
Figure S4. Prior date distributions across nodes under the four calibration setups. Models: Calibrat...
Figure S1. PhyloBayes chitinase gene tree with posterior probabilities supporting nodes. (PDF 46 kb
Figure S3. Expanded RAxML gene tree with tip labels and bootstrap support values. (PDF 16 kb
Table S1. Taxa in this study and their environment. Environment refers to the environment that these...
Background: Establishing the divergence times of groups of organisms is a major goal of evolutionary...
Background Establishing the divergence times of groups of organisms is a major goal...
Most microbial taxa lack a conventional microfossil or biomarker record, and so we currently have li...
Tracer statistics of turnover, diversification and sampling proportion of the two runs and the prior...
Time-calibrated phylogeny adapted from Jones et al. [43] with divergence times given for each node. ...
Detailed information of divergence time estimation, ancestral state reconstruction, and lineage dive...
Histograms showing the distribution of selected nodes from BEAST analyses 1 and 2. (PNG 327 kb
Time calibrated phylogeny of BEAST analysis 1 plotted on stratigraphic chart. New sequenced species ...
Dated Phylogeny of L4.6 diversification with a computed date of divergence between 4.6.1 and 4.6.2.<...
Divergence time estimates in millions of years (rounded to nearest 0.1 Ma) as estimated by *BEAST fo...
Supplementary Figure S2. Time-calibrated phylogenetic tree (“pruned-after”) of Musteloidea. Mean div...