Table for all ASVs from Tokyo Skytree air samples and control samples. ASV_table.csv include all samples, and ASV_table_no_negative_control include only air samples and reference samples.</div
ASV feature table with SILVA taxonomic annotations. BIOM format can be easily read into R
- Subpopulation of origin for samples in Env_assoc_SNP_table.txt and Env_assoc_subpop_data.txt. Each...
The allele table used to assign population samples to putative species for ASTRAL-II
ASV table for ITS sequencing data. For more detailed description, refer to README file. </p
These two text files will help identify samples from the OTU and ASV tables, connecting them to date...
The datasheet uploaded here consists of data that is used for generating the results. </p
Count table for ASVs generated from DADA2 from raw MiSeq reads. Rows are individual samples and colu...
CSV of all RFID data for the complete field season, for use in generating the RFID social networks <...
Phyloseq files for 18S and 16S primers which can easily allow you to access and explore the ASV tabl...
File containing the amplified sequence variant (ASV) data for each sample. (XLSX)</p
This csv file includes each individual sample ID and its respective SRA biosample accession numbe
Data used in the figures of the paper to appear under the title "Active quantum flocks". All data ar...
Supp. Table 6. Node support for all nodes that conflict or have less than 95% bootstrap support in a...
Included here are the sequence and taxonomy tables as well as the fasta file before mitochondria and...
We provide up-to-date data indexed by Trialstreamer in CSV format.See https://trialstreamer.ieai.rob...
ASV feature table with SILVA taxonomic annotations. BIOM format can be easily read into R
- Subpopulation of origin for samples in Env_assoc_SNP_table.txt and Env_assoc_subpop_data.txt. Each...
The allele table used to assign population samples to putative species for ASTRAL-II
ASV table for ITS sequencing data. For more detailed description, refer to README file. </p
These two text files will help identify samples from the OTU and ASV tables, connecting them to date...
The datasheet uploaded here consists of data that is used for generating the results. </p
Count table for ASVs generated from DADA2 from raw MiSeq reads. Rows are individual samples and colu...
CSV of all RFID data for the complete field season, for use in generating the RFID social networks <...
Phyloseq files for 18S and 16S primers which can easily allow you to access and explore the ASV tabl...
File containing the amplified sequence variant (ASV) data for each sample. (XLSX)</p
This csv file includes each individual sample ID and its respective SRA biosample accession numbe
Data used in the figures of the paper to appear under the title "Active quantum flocks". All data ar...
Supp. Table 6. Node support for all nodes that conflict or have less than 95% bootstrap support in a...
Included here are the sequence and taxonomy tables as well as the fasta file before mitochondria and...
We provide up-to-date data indexed by Trialstreamer in CSV format.See https://trialstreamer.ieai.rob...
ASV feature table with SILVA taxonomic annotations. BIOM format can be easily read into R
- Subpopulation of origin for samples in Env_assoc_SNP_table.txt and Env_assoc_subpop_data.txt. Each...
The allele table used to assign population samples to putative species for ASTRAL-II