The response of a few silicon-silicon-CsI(Tl) and silicon-silicon telescopes with high quality detectors developed within the FAZIA collaboration [1] is tested in this work. The silicon detectors were manufactured from “random cut” wafers to avoid channeling effects and are characterized by a high dopant homogeneity. One siliconsilicon telescope was mounted on a rotating platform to compare its response in case of front and rear injection. Another silicon detector was mounted on a motorized support, sliding to angles very close to the beam (~0.5°), in order to measure the effects of radiation damage on energy resolution and PSA. Beams of 84Kr and 129Xe at 35A MeV, impinging on targets of natNi, 93Nb, 120Sn and Au, produced fragments over a ...
The response of silicon-silicon-CsI(Tl) and silicon-CsI(Tl) telescopes to fragments produced in nucl...
The goal of the FAZIA Collaboration is the design of a new-generation 4 detector array for heavy-ion...
The response of silicon–silicon–CsI(Tl) and silicon–CsI(Tl) telescopes to fragments produced in nucl...
The response of a few silicon-silicon-CsI(Tl) and silicon-silicon telescopes with high quality detec...
The response of Si-Si-CsI(Tl) and Si-CsI(Tl) telescopes with quality controlled detectors, developed...
International audienceThe main results of the R&D program of the FAZIA collaboration are described. ...
The response of silicon-silicon-CsI(TI) and silicon-CsI(TI) telescopes to fragments produced in nucl...
The response of silicon-silicon-CsI(Tl) and silicon-CsI(Tl) telescopes to fragments produced in nucl...
The goal of the FAZIA Collaboration is the design of a new-generation 4 detector array for heavy-ion...
The response of silicon–silicon–CsI(Tl) and silicon–CsI(Tl) telescopes to fragments produced in nucl...
The response of a few silicon-silicon-CsI(Tl) and silicon-silicon telescopes with high quality detec...
The response of Si-Si-CsI(Tl) and Si-CsI(Tl) telescopes with quality controlled detectors, developed...
International audienceThe main results of the R&D program of the FAZIA collaboration are described. ...
The response of silicon-silicon-CsI(TI) and silicon-CsI(TI) telescopes to fragments produced in nucl...
The response of silicon-silicon-CsI(Tl) and silicon-CsI(Tl) telescopes to fragments produced in nucl...
The goal of the FAZIA Collaboration is the design of a new-generation 4 detector array for heavy-ion...
The response of silicon–silicon–CsI(Tl) and silicon–CsI(Tl) telescopes to fragments produced in nucl...